Travel Demand Models for Visitors to Pasar Baru Banggai, Banggai Laut Regency, Indonesia

Authors : Faisal Sapiun; Yuliyanti Kadir; Anton Kaharu

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 7 - July

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Abstract : Pasar Baru Banggai in Banggai Laut Regency is a crucial economic and social center for the local community. This article aims to analyze the factors influencing the travel demand of people to this market. Various aspects such as income, travel distance, travel time, product completeness, and market area were analyzed in depth. The methodology used includes field surveys, participatory observation, and secondary data analysis from relevant sources. The research sample was conducted using stratified sampling with strata based on visit frequency (daily, weekly, and monthly visitors) and potential visitors to the market. The total sample size was set at 100 visitors, which is a combination of all samples from each stratum as the final sample in this study. The research results show that income, travel distance, travel time, completeness of goods sold, and market area are the main factors attracting people to visit Pasar Baru Banggai, following the mathematical model Y = 0.858 + 0.182(X1) + 0.183(X2) + 0.112(X3) + 0.162( X7) + 0.145(X8). Additionally, this market also provides quality local products that meet the needs of the local community, further strengthening its position as the regional economic center. Based on this analysis, several recommendations are proposed to enhance the attractiveness and function of Pasar Baru Banggai, including improving supporting infrastructure, promoting local products, empowering traders through training and support, and implementing efficient market management. With these measures, it is hoped that Pasar Baru Banggai can continue to grow and provide greater benefits to the people of Banggai Laut Regency, as well as contribute to the improvement of the region's economic and social welfare.

Keywords : Banggai Laut, Pasar Baru, Travel Demand Models.

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Pasar Baru Banggai in Banggai Laut Regency is a crucial economic and social center for the local community. This article aims to analyze the factors influencing the travel demand of people to this market. Various aspects such as income, travel distance, travel time, product completeness, and market area were analyzed in depth. The methodology used includes field surveys, participatory observation, and secondary data analysis from relevant sources. The research sample was conducted using stratified sampling with strata based on visit frequency (daily, weekly, and monthly visitors) and potential visitors to the market. The total sample size was set at 100 visitors, which is a combination of all samples from each stratum as the final sample in this study. The research results show that income, travel distance, travel time, completeness of goods sold, and market area are the main factors attracting people to visit Pasar Baru Banggai, following the mathematical model Y = 0.858 + 0.182(X1) + 0.183(X2) + 0.112(X3) + 0.162( X7) + 0.145(X8). Additionally, this market also provides quality local products that meet the needs of the local community, further strengthening its position as the regional economic center. Based on this analysis, several recommendations are proposed to enhance the attractiveness and function of Pasar Baru Banggai, including improving supporting infrastructure, promoting local products, empowering traders through training and support, and implementing efficient market management. With these measures, it is hoped that Pasar Baru Banggai can continue to grow and provide greater benefits to the people of Banggai Laut Regency, as well as contribute to the improvement of the region's economic and social welfare.

Keywords : Banggai Laut, Pasar Baru, Travel Demand Models.

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