Issue 2 - February
Volume 10 - 2025
Issue 1 - January
Volume 10 - 2025
Issue 12 - December
Volume 9 - 2024
Issue 11 - November
Volume 9 - 2024
Issue 10 - October
Volume 9 - 2024
Q 1. What is the process of publish a paper in IJISRT?
Q 2. How User / Author can create / Sign Up an Account in IJISRT ?
Ans. If you submit any paper for the first time it will automatically create your account in IJISRT and send your login credentials to your register e-mail id.
For Sign Up in IJISRT, you need to submit at least one paper in IJISRT.
Q 3. Where I can submit my paper in IJISRT ?
Method 1:-
Author / User can submit paper at given link.
After Submit your paper, you will get Paper ID + Login Account details in Paper Received E-mail.
Method 2 :-
IJISRT Existing users can submit paper from their Login account.
Note: - From Method 2, Author / User can submit paper if he/she is a registered user of IJISRT. If you are not registered User / Author then submit paper by Method 1.
Ans. If your Paper has been accepted then next step is to Submit Copyright Form.
In your Paper Acceptance E-mail, You will find IJISRT Copyright Form in Attachments. Fill Copyright form and Upload it by given process.
Step 1:- Select MY PAPERS -), in your IJISRT Account.
Step 2:- Select the Paper ID and Click on this Icon.
Step 3:- Upload your Copyright form and submit.
Step 4:-You will get E-mail for Conformation.
Q. 5. How can I Submit Payment Slip?
Ans. After make Payment Successfully, take a Screen-shot of Payment Slip and Upload it.
Step 1:- Select paper id and Click on this Icon.
Step 2:- Upload your Payment Slip and submit.
Step 3:-You will get E-mail for Conformation.
Step 4:-Once we verify your Payment for select paper id, it will Show in Payment Status.
Q. 6. How can I Resubmit Updated Doc (in case of paper deny ) or submit updated Doc. (in case of want any correction in final paper)?
Ans. Select MY PAPERS -) into your IJISRT Account.
Step 1:- Select the Paper ID and Click on this Icon.
Step 2:- Upload your Updated paper.and click on submit.
Step 3:-You will get E-mail for Conformation.
Q. 7. How can Apply for Hard Copy of Author’s Certificates?
Ans. Authors can apply for Hard Copy of Certificates. Authors can apply for Hard Copy of Certificates. Certificates Hard Copy is also available for previous published papers.
After received your request, you need to submit Form and Fee for Certificate Hardcopy. Form and fee submission details will receive in email.
Q. 8. What is the fee for Hard Copy of Author’s Certificates ?
For Indian Authors:-
Number of Author’s Certificates in a Paper |
Fee for Hardcopy of Author’s Certificates (in INR) |
1 | 800 |
2 | 1600 |
3 | 2400 |
4 | 3200 |
5 | 4000 |
6 | 4800 |
7 | 5600 |
+ Shipping Charges extra
For USA/Other Countries authors:-
Number of Author’s Certificates in a Paper |
Fee for Hardcopy of Author’s Certificates (in USD$) |
1 | 15$ |
2 | 30$ |
3 | 45$ |
4 | 60$ |
5 | 75$ |
6 | 90$ |
7 | 105$ |
+ Shipping Charges extra
Q 9. What is the Publication fee ?
Ans. For Indian authors
Publication fee is 1500/- (INR)
For Non - Indian authors,
Publication fee is 50$.
Charges includes
Q 10. Is IJISRT index in UGC, Scopus and Thomson Reuters ?
Ans. IJISRT is not index in UGC, Scopus and Thomson Reuters. IJISRT is a Peer Reviewed Journal.
Q 11. For which papers, Authors can Apply for Certificate’s Hardcopy.?
Ans. Authors can Apply for Certificate’s Hardcopy that, already Published in IJISRT.
Q 12. What is the Ideal Structure of the paper?
Ans. Manuscript Structure:
The manuscript should be in English.
The manuscript should be arranged as follows:
1- Title page. This should contain:
2- Abstract: the abstract should convey the following information:
3- Keywords. A list in alphabetical order not exceeding 8 words or short phrases.
4- Introduction: The function of the Introduction is to:
5- Materials and Methods: you explain clearly how you carried out your study.
6- Results: State the results and draw attention to important details.
7- Discussion: Point out the significance of the results in relation to the reasons for doing the work.
8- Conclusion: state the implications of the answers your results gave you.
9- References: