The Strategy of High School Students in Solving Probability Problems

Authors : Rita Raya; Agung Lukito; St. Suwarsono

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 8 - August

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Abstract : Students' strategies in solving probability problems are still rarely studied in depth although this ability is needed by students in solving problems that contain an uncertainty element. The purpose of this study was to describe the strategies that were used by high school students in solving probability problems. Subject in this study was a male student of grade 11 science who had studied probability material and had low math ability in which the determination of student’s category was based on the score of math ability test. The research data were obtained through in-depth interviews and problem solving tasks. The data credibility test used time triangulation with data convergence to the same meaning. The results showed that in solving the probability problem, the strategy used by the student was calculating the number of the sample space members during the drawing of 2 coins to 6 coins. Subject calculated the number of sample space members in the child birth order event by relating them to the 6 coin draw event, then he used the classic definition of calculating the odds of each event to be compared so that he could decide the correct answer. A person's ability to the aspect of probability thinking strategies in solving probability problems varies depending on the ability in understanding the information and knowledge owned by each person in facing the probability situations.

Keywords : Strategy, probabilistic thinking, mathematical skills, solving probability problems

Students' strategies in solving probability problems are still rarely studied in depth although this ability is needed by students in solving problems that contain an uncertainty element. The purpose of this study was to describe the strategies that were used by high school students in solving probability problems. Subject in this study was a male student of grade 11 science who had studied probability material and had low math ability in which the determination of student’s category was based on the score of math ability test. The research data were obtained through in-depth interviews and problem solving tasks. The data credibility test used time triangulation with data convergence to the same meaning. The results showed that in solving the probability problem, the strategy used by the student was calculating the number of the sample space members during the drawing of 2 coins to 6 coins. Subject calculated the number of sample space members in the child birth order event by relating them to the 6 coin draw event, then he used the classic definition of calculating the odds of each event to be compared so that he could decide the correct answer. A person's ability to the aspect of probability thinking strategies in solving probability problems varies depending on the ability in understanding the information and knowledge owned by each person in facing the probability situations.

Keywords : Strategy, probabilistic thinking, mathematical skills, solving probability problems

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