Authors :
Xolboyev Yunusali Xasan o‘g‘li; Tursunmetov Kamiljan Axmetovich
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
For the first time, a method for the theoretical
calculation of equipotential electric field lines created by
a system of two-point charges has been developed, and a
family of equipotential lines for a system of two-point
charges has been created.
Keywords :
Electric Field, Charge, Field Strength, Potential, Equipotential Lines, Equation, Ferrari Method.
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For the first time, a method for the theoretical
calculation of equipotential electric field lines created by
a system of two-point charges has been developed, and a
family of equipotential lines for a system of two-point
charges has been created.
Keywords :
Electric Field, Charge, Field Strength, Potential, Equipotential Lines, Equation, Ferrari Method.