Authors :
Siti Isnatun; Matrodji Mustafa
Volume/Issue :
Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 8 - August
Google Scholar :
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Abstract :
This iresearch iaims ito ianalyze ithe ieffect iof ithe
iyear i(pandemic) ion ithe influence iof ithe icompany's internal
ifactors ion idividend ipolicy. iThe ipopulation in ithis iresearch
iare imining icompanies ilisted ion ithe iIndonesia iStock
iExchange ifor ithe iperiod i2014-2020. iThe iresearch idata is
isecondary idata iwith ian iobservation iperiod iof i7 iyears. iThe
imethod iof idetermining ithe isample iused is ipurposive
isampling, iwhere i19 icompanies ihave iobtained ithat imatch
ithe icriteria ifor iselecting ithe iresearch isample. iThe idata
ianalysis imethod iused is ipanel idata iregression iwith ithe ifixed
ieffect imodel iselected. iThe iresults iof ithis iresearch ican ibe
iconcluded ithat ithe ivariation in idividend ipolicy ias iproxied
iby ithe idividend ipayout iratio i(DPR) i ican ibe iexplained iby
ivariations in ithe iprofitability iratio ias iproxied iby ireturn ion
iequity i(ROE), iliquidity ias iproxied iby ithe icurrent iratio
i(CR), iratio iactivity iproxied iby itotal iasset iturnover i(TATO),
isolvency ias iproxied iby idebt ito iequity iratio i(DER), igrowth,
ifirm isize iand ithe iyear iof ithe ipandemic is i0.34085. iIn
icontrast, iother ivariables ioutside ithe imodel iexplain ithe irest.
iThe iresults iof ithis iresearch indicate ithat ithe iDER ihas ia
inegative ieffect, iTATO iand ifirm isize ihave ia ipositive ieffect,
iwhile ithe iROE, iCR, iand igrowth ihave ino ieffect, iand ithe iyear
iof ithe ipandemic iaffects ithe iDPR.
Keywords :
Dividend Payout Ratio, Return On Equity, Current Ratio, Total Asset Turnover, Debt To Equity Ratio, Growth, Firm Size, Year Of The Pandemic
This iresearch iaims ito ianalyze ithe ieffect iof ithe
iyear i(pandemic) ion ithe influence iof ithe icompany's internal
ifactors ion idividend ipolicy. iThe ipopulation in ithis iresearch
iare imining icompanies ilisted ion ithe iIndonesia iStock
iExchange ifor ithe iperiod i2014-2020. iThe iresearch idata is
isecondary idata iwith ian iobservation iperiod iof i7 iyears. iThe
imethod iof idetermining ithe isample iused is ipurposive
isampling, iwhere i19 icompanies ihave iobtained ithat imatch
ithe icriteria ifor iselecting ithe iresearch isample. iThe idata
ianalysis imethod iused is ipanel idata iregression iwith ithe ifixed
ieffect imodel iselected. iThe iresults iof ithis iresearch ican ibe
iconcluded ithat ithe ivariation in idividend ipolicy ias iproxied
iby ithe idividend ipayout iratio i(DPR) i ican ibe iexplained iby
ivariations in ithe iprofitability iratio ias iproxied iby ireturn ion
iequity i(ROE), iliquidity ias iproxied iby ithe icurrent iratio
i(CR), iratio iactivity iproxied iby itotal iasset iturnover i(TATO),
isolvency ias iproxied iby idebt ito iequity iratio i(DER), igrowth,
ifirm isize iand ithe iyear iof ithe ipandemic is i0.34085. iIn
icontrast, iother ivariables ioutside ithe imodel iexplain ithe irest.
iThe iresults iof ithis iresearch indicate ithat ithe iDER ihas ia
inegative ieffect, iTATO iand ifirm isize ihave ia ipositive ieffect,
iwhile ithe iROE, iCR, iand igrowth ihave ino ieffect, iand ithe iyear
iof ithe ipandemic iaffects ithe iDPR.
Keywords :
Dividend Payout Ratio, Return On Equity, Current Ratio, Total Asset Turnover, Debt To Equity Ratio, Growth, Firm Size, Year Of The Pandemic