Authors :
Gladys Dian Parenta; Bedjo Santoso; Endah Aryati Eko Ningtyas
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 8 - August
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Abstract :
One of the risk factors that causes high levels
of dental and oral problems is behavior. To overcome
these problems, media is used as a tool, with a model
website-based flipbook. It is hoped that this will be a
solution to facilitate the education process to help
teenagers improve their dental and oral health
maintenance behavior. This research is to produce a
website-based flipbook model that is feasible and its
application is effective in changing the oral health care
behavior of adolescents. The method used in this
research is Research and Development (R&D) and the
research design used is a Quasy Experiment Pretest-
Posttest with a Control Group Design. Research subjects
were 2 groups: The intervention of 42 people was
modeled website-based flipbook control 40 people were
given an animated video on dental and oral health. The
research results show that website-based flipbooks are
suitable as a model for improving adolescent dental and
oral health maintenance behavior with expert validation
results: 90.8% and p-value = 0.858. The results of the
unpaired test stated that its application was effective in
increasing knowledge (∆0.001), attitudes (∆0.001),
actions (∆0.001), and reducing debris index scores
(∆0.010) compared to the control group. The conclusion
is the development of the website-based flipbook model
and its implementation of effective changes in adolescent
dental and oral health maintenance behavior.
Keywords :
Website-Based Flipbook, Teenagers, Dental and Oral Health.
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One of the risk factors that causes high levels
of dental and oral problems is behavior. To overcome
these problems, media is used as a tool, with a model
website-based flipbook. It is hoped that this will be a
solution to facilitate the education process to help
teenagers improve their dental and oral health
maintenance behavior. This research is to produce a
website-based flipbook model that is feasible and its
application is effective in changing the oral health care
behavior of adolescents. The method used in this
research is Research and Development (R&D) and the
research design used is a Quasy Experiment Pretest-
Posttest with a Control Group Design. Research subjects
were 2 groups: The intervention of 42 people was
modeled website-based flipbook control 40 people were
given an animated video on dental and oral health. The
research results show that website-based flipbooks are
suitable as a model for improving adolescent dental and
oral health maintenance behavior with expert validation
results: 90.8% and p-value = 0.858. The results of the
unpaired test stated that its application was effective in
increasing knowledge (∆0.001), attitudes (∆0.001),
actions (∆0.001), and reducing debris index scores
(∆0.010) compared to the control group. The conclusion
is the development of the website-based flipbook model
and its implementation of effective changes in adolescent
dental and oral health maintenance behavior.
Keywords :
Website-Based Flipbook, Teenagers, Dental and Oral Health.