Water Consumption Capacity and the Level of Accessibility among the Residents of Agege-Lagos

Authors : Fagbohun, P. O; Shotunde, T. O; Oladiboye, E. O; Ajaegbo, G. A.

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 5 - May

Google Scholar : https://bit.ly/3IIfn9N

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3PHHUQg

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7021225

Abstract : Adequate provision of water facilities is very import towards ensuring uninterrupted water supply to satisfy the need of the residents of the affected community. The purpose of this study is to assess the influence of the level of water accessibility on the level of consumption among the residents of the study area. In order to conduct the study, AgegeLocal Government of Lagos Metropolis was used as a case study. From the local government, a sample of fourwards wastaken for data collection. Bothquestionnaire and water facilities surveys were adopted for data collection. From the selected wards, 528 residential buildings were sampled, where a household adult member was sampled from each of the sampled residential buildings for the two adopted surveys. Data were collected to measure the level of accessibility to water and the quantity of water used per household. The study found that the quantity of water used is below what has been prescribed by the authorities, due to some accessibility challenges. Hence, there is relationship between the quantity of water used by the households and the level of accessibility to water in the study area

Keywords : accessibility, water facilities, households, lowincome, potable water.

Adequate provision of water facilities is very import towards ensuring uninterrupted water supply to satisfy the need of the residents of the affected community. The purpose of this study is to assess the influence of the level of water accessibility on the level of consumption among the residents of the study area. In order to conduct the study, AgegeLocal Government of Lagos Metropolis was used as a case study. From the local government, a sample of fourwards wastaken for data collection. Bothquestionnaire and water facilities surveys were adopted for data collection. From the selected wards, 528 residential buildings were sampled, where a household adult member was sampled from each of the sampled residential buildings for the two adopted surveys. Data were collected to measure the level of accessibility to water and the quantity of water used per household. The study found that the quantity of water used is below what has been prescribed by the authorities, due to some accessibility challenges. Hence, there is relationship between the quantity of water used by the households and the level of accessibility to water in the study area

Keywords : accessibility, water facilities, households, lowincome, potable water.

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