Vprint 2.0

Authors : Santosh Gopane, Bhagyodaya Bagwe, Pooja Gosavi.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 2 - February

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://goo.gl/9c4aJD

Thomson Reuters ResearcherID : https://goo.gl/3bkzwv

Abstract : In today’s world we know everyone needs a printer in daily life. A Web-Based Printing system allows a user to upload Printing jobs using your own devices which enables BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) feature. The primary objective is to make printing system easy to use in a more convenient way, by the use of ancillary features of the system. The Currently working printing system focuses on printing jobs efficiently but the problems that students are facing is due to multiple Scanning i.e. absolute queue of print jobs. This System is associated with E-Wallet for all the online transactions related to printing [1], queue monitoring controls the whole printing process at the printer’s site, Also Dynamically displaying the required time for the printing by the external hardware (LED)[2]and the Centralize Server Print Releasing makes the system Robust by enabling ‘Print where you Release’ feature[3].

In today’s world we know everyone needs a printer in daily life. A Web-Based Printing system allows a user to upload Printing jobs using your own devices which enables BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) feature. The primary objective is to make printing system easy to use in a more convenient way, by the use of ancillary features of the system. The Currently working printing system focuses on printing jobs efficiently but the problems that students are facing is due to multiple Scanning i.e. absolute queue of print jobs. This System is associated with E-Wallet for all the online transactions related to printing [1], queue monitoring controls the whole printing process at the printer’s site, Also Dynamically displaying the required time for the printing by the external hardware (LED)[2]and the Centralize Server Print Releasing makes the system Robust by enabling ‘Print where you Release’ feature[3].

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