Volunteerism from a Physiotherapy Standpoint: Associated Challenges and Potential Ideas towards Resolution

Authors : Paris Richardson; Manjeshwar Sahana Kamath

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 2 - February

Google Scholar : https://bit.ly/3IIfn9N

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3Sa5sA5

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7655865

Abstract : Volunteerism haslong sought to right social inequalities. Volunteers over the years have attempted to end violence against women and children, improve sanitation of drinking water, rebuild communities, provide healthcare and education, feed and clothe the hungry, and fight social and economic injustice. However, there continue to be billions of people in the world living well below the poverty line and numerous dying daily due to lack of resources. This article addresses obstacles within the framework of volunteering from the perspective of a physiotherapy student. In addition are suggestions of effective ways to increase the impact of volunteerism across the globe.

Volunteerism haslong sought to right social inequalities. Volunteers over the years have attempted to end violence against women and children, improve sanitation of drinking water, rebuild communities, provide healthcare and education, feed and clothe the hungry, and fight social and economic injustice. However, there continue to be billions of people in the world living well below the poverty line and numerous dying daily due to lack of resources. This article addresses obstacles within the framework of volunteering from the perspective of a physiotherapy student. In addition are suggestions of effective ways to increase the impact of volunteerism across the globe.

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