Authors :
Martendra Pratap Singh; Arzoo Poswal; Eshu Yadav
Volume/Issue :
Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 5 - May
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Abstract :
In this paper we are developing a volume
controller in which we are using hand gestures as the
input to control the system , Opencv module is basically
used in this implementation to control the gestures.This
system basically uses the web camera to record or
capture the images /videos and accordingly on the basis
of the input, the volume of the system is controlled by
this application. The main function is to increase and
decrease the volume of the system. The project is
implemented using Python, OpenCV.
We can use our hand gestures to control the basic
operation of a computer like increasing and decreasing
volume. Therefore ,people will not have to learn
machine-like skills which are a burden most of the
time.This type of hand gesture systems provides a
natural and innovative modern way of non verbal
communication. These systems has a wide area of
application in human computer interaction.
The purpose of this project is to discuss a volume
control using hand gesture recognition system based on
detection of hand gestures. In this the system is consist of
a high resolution camera to recognise the gesture taken
as input by the user. The main goal of hand gesture
recognition is to create a system which can identify the
human hand gestures and use same input as the
information for controlling the device and by using real
time gesture recognition specific user can control a
computer by using hand gesture in front of a system
video camera linked to a computer. In this project we
are developing a hand gesture volume controller system
with the help of OpenCV ,Python. In this system can be
controlled by hand gesture without making use of the
keyboard and mouse.
Keywords :
Hand gesture ,Opencv-Python, volume controller, mediapipe package , numpy package , Human computer Interface.
In this paper we are developing a volume
controller in which we are using hand gestures as the
input to control the system , Opencv module is basically
used in this implementation to control the gestures.This
system basically uses the web camera to record or
capture the images /videos and accordingly on the basis
of the input, the volume of the system is controlled by
this application. The main function is to increase and
decrease the volume of the system. The project is
implemented using Python, OpenCV.
We can use our hand gestures to control the basic
operation of a computer like increasing and decreasing
volume. Therefore ,people will not have to learn
machine-like skills which are a burden most of the
time.This type of hand gesture systems provides a
natural and innovative modern way of non verbal
communication. These systems has a wide area of
application in human computer interaction.
The purpose of this project is to discuss a volume
control using hand gesture recognition system based on
detection of hand gestures. In this the system is consist of
a high resolution camera to recognise the gesture taken
as input by the user. The main goal of hand gesture
recognition is to create a system which can identify the
human hand gestures and use same input as the
information for controlling the device and by using real
time gesture recognition specific user can control a
computer by using hand gesture in front of a system
video camera linked to a computer. In this project we
are developing a hand gesture volume controller system
with the help of OpenCV ,Python. In this system can be
controlled by hand gesture without making use of the
keyboard and mouse.
Keywords :
Hand gesture ,Opencv-Python, volume controller, mediapipe package , numpy package , Human computer Interface.