Authors :
Edmark M. Balce
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
Understanding students' vocabulary
proficiency and reading comprehension is essential for
creating effective learning resources tailored to their
unique learning styles in today's world. This research
aimed to assess the vocabulary proficiency and reading
comprehension levels of senior high school students for
the development of supplementary learning materials.
Specifically, it evaluated students' vocabulary breadth,
depth, and usage, along with their reading comprehension
skills. Additionally, the study explored perceived factors
influencing these abilities and assessed the effectiveness of
the newly developed learning tool, IntelliRead. Employing
a mixed-methods approach, the study combined
quantitative data from standardized tests with qualitative
insights from interviews, involving 102 students for
quantitative analysis and 20 for qualitative feedback.
Results indicated varying levels of vocabulary proficiency
and reading comprehension, influenced by factors such as
reading habits and technological integration. IntelliRead
was found to have strong instructional validity, suggesting
its potential as a valuable resource for enhancing students'
language skills. Recommendations include integrating
technology-based tools into education, collaborating on
tailored teaching strategies, and encouraging supportive
reading practices at home. Future research should further
explore the impact of these interventions on long-term
student outcomes.
Keywords :
Vocabulary Proficiency, Reading Comprehension, Senior High School, Learning Material Development.
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Understanding students' vocabulary
proficiency and reading comprehension is essential for
creating effective learning resources tailored to their
unique learning styles in today's world. This research
aimed to assess the vocabulary proficiency and reading
comprehension levels of senior high school students for
the development of supplementary learning materials.
Specifically, it evaluated students' vocabulary breadth,
depth, and usage, along with their reading comprehension
skills. Additionally, the study explored perceived factors
influencing these abilities and assessed the effectiveness of
the newly developed learning tool, IntelliRead. Employing
a mixed-methods approach, the study combined
quantitative data from standardized tests with qualitative
insights from interviews, involving 102 students for
quantitative analysis and 20 for qualitative feedback.
Results indicated varying levels of vocabulary proficiency
and reading comprehension, influenced by factors such as
reading habits and technological integration. IntelliRead
was found to have strong instructional validity, suggesting
its potential as a valuable resource for enhancing students'
language skills. Recommendations include integrating
technology-based tools into education, collaborating on
tailored teaching strategies, and encouraging supportive
reading practices at home. Future research should further
explore the impact of these interventions on long-term
student outcomes.
Keywords :
Vocabulary Proficiency, Reading Comprehension, Senior High School, Learning Material Development.