Verification and Validation of Dandelion (Taraxacum officinal) Seeds- Gamma Irradiated under Elicitation with Nano- and Micro- Zinc for Potential Opti

Authors : Tarek Elsayed S Ahamed and El- Sayed, S.A.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 10 - October

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Abstract : Dandelion, Taraxacum officinal (TO)is medicinal wild plant, for its medicinal raw material high contents of, bioactive secondary metabolites which possess relief and treatment of several diseases.. Before flowering, plants were picked – up for quantification biomass fresh leaves and roots Kg and its quality for determination of total phenolics for leaves (TPCL) and roots (TPCR) total flavonoid for leaves (TPCL) and roots (TFCR) as well as antioxidant activity for leaves (AAL) and roots (AAR) extract. Then obtained data were subjected to statistically analysis of variance, that declared that G25, 35,50Gy; N20, 40ppb and M2 ppm actuated positive significant biomass production over that of control, On the side (G) excel (N) which surpassed (M) application. On the contrary, (N) 60ppb and M4, 6ppm achieved significant biomass reduction. TPC, TFC and AA were signicantly enhanced over that of control in response to N20, 40ppb transcend G25, 35 Gy that excel M2ppm.Meanwhile, N60ppb,and M4,6ppm reduced significantly these four traits. These results give evidence to sustain nanoparticle zinc(N) as oriental biotechnological potential tool substituted micro zinc (M) or gamma irradiation for optimization biomass production and enhancing bioactive secondary metabolites, phenolics and flavonoids and antioxidant activity for dandelion wild medicinal plant.

Keywords : Dandelion, Gamma irradiation, Nanoparticles, Elicitation, Medicinal plant, Phenolics, Flavonoids, Antioxidant, Secondary metabolites.

Dandelion, Taraxacum officinal (TO)is medicinal wild plant, for its medicinal raw material high contents of, bioactive secondary metabolites which possess relief and treatment of several diseases.. Before flowering, plants were picked – up for quantification biomass fresh leaves and roots Kg and its quality for determination of total phenolics for leaves (TPCL) and roots (TPCR) total flavonoid for leaves (TPCL) and roots (TFCR) as well as antioxidant activity for leaves (AAL) and roots (AAR) extract. Then obtained data were subjected to statistically analysis of variance, that declared that G25, 35,50Gy; N20, 40ppb and M2 ppm actuated positive significant biomass production over that of control, On the side (G) excel (N) which surpassed (M) application. On the contrary, (N) 60ppb and M4, 6ppm achieved significant biomass reduction. TPC, TFC and AA were signicantly enhanced over that of control in response to N20, 40ppb transcend G25, 35 Gy that excel M2ppm.Meanwhile, N60ppb,and M4,6ppm reduced significantly these four traits. These results give evidence to sustain nanoparticle zinc(N) as oriental biotechnological potential tool substituted micro zinc (M) or gamma irradiation for optimization biomass production and enhancing bioactive secondary metabolites, phenolics and flavonoids and antioxidant activity for dandelion wild medicinal plant.

Keywords : Dandelion, Gamma irradiation, Nanoparticles, Elicitation, Medicinal plant, Phenolics, Flavonoids, Antioxidant, Secondary metabolites.

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