Authors :
Priyanka; Sushil Kumar
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
Twenty six mutant lines of Vicia faba L. were
evaluated to assess range, PCV, GCV, ECV, Heritability,
genetic advance and net genetic gain. The analysis
revealed that there were wide range for all characters
under study. Phenotypic coefficient of variability was
found to be higher than genotypic and environmental
coefficient of Variability for all the characters. Highest
heritability was found for days to flower with highest
genetic advance and net genetic gain. It is followed by
Plant height. Where as lowest heritability was found for
test weight for 100 seeds and lowest genetic advance and
genetic gain was found for seeds/pod.
Keywords :
Heritability, Genetic Advance, Genetic Gain, Faba Bean.
References :
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Twenty six mutant lines of Vicia faba L. were
evaluated to assess range, PCV, GCV, ECV, Heritability,
genetic advance and net genetic gain. The analysis
revealed that there were wide range for all characters
under study. Phenotypic coefficient of variability was
found to be higher than genotypic and environmental
coefficient of Variability for all the characters. Highest
heritability was found for days to flower with highest
genetic advance and net genetic gain. It is followed by
Plant height. Where as lowest heritability was found for
test weight for 100 seeds and lowest genetic advance and
genetic gain was found for seeds/pod.
Keywords :
Heritability, Genetic Advance, Genetic Gain, Faba Bean.