Using Technologies in 21st Century: COVID-19 as an Acceleration Factor to Virtualize the World

Authors : Ivett Reyes Guillén; Marco Polo Gallegos Cuellar; Leticia del Carmen Flores Alfaro

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 8 - August

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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20AUG254

Abstract : This article presents the results of a study conducted from Chiapas, Mexico, through an online survey, through Google forms, in the Spanish language. The sample was of n.300 and 20 states of the Mexican republic were reflected. It is study consisted of knowing the perceptions regarding the use of ICT, the stress and anxiety generated by the situation before COVID and the digitization of work, services, education, and entertainment. Among the main findings are: 1) stressanxiety is being generated (+80%) for the use of ICTs as the only way, in many cases, to continue working during confinement by COVID, or for access to various public services and entertainment; 2) there is an increase in time for ICT use from 44% to 80% of cases using technologies more than 3 hours a day.

Keywords : ICT, COVID, Perceptions

This article presents the results of a study conducted from Chiapas, Mexico, through an online survey, through Google forms, in the Spanish language. The sample was of n.300 and 20 states of the Mexican republic were reflected. It is study consisted of knowing the perceptions regarding the use of ICT, the stress and anxiety generated by the situation before COVID and the digitization of work, services, education, and entertainment. Among the main findings are: 1) stressanxiety is being generated (+80%) for the use of ICTs as the only way, in many cases, to continue working during confinement by COVID, or for access to various public services and entertainment; 2) there is an increase in time for ICT use from 44% to 80% of cases using technologies more than 3 hours a day.

Keywords : ICT, COVID, Perceptions

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