Authors :
Michael Khrisna Aditya; Alda Chairani; Maidar Simanihuruk; Sundring Pantja Djati
Volume/Issue :
Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 8 - August
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Abstract :
Every city in the world has its problems from
simple to complex so various ways must be taken to push
each city forward and have various achievements.
However, the problem that occurs in the management of
urban tourism is people's behavior, the extremely difficult
issue of managing residents’ attitudes toward tourism
development in urban tourism destinations and finding
effective solutions in how to manage residents' attitudes
systematically to minimize residents' irritation in urban
destinations, which are considered complex systems. A
tourism destination cannot be separated from the image of
the destination itself because visitors will see whether the
destination to be visited has a positive or negative image.
In addition, visitors will also be encouraged to visit a
destination if the destination can attract visitors to have a
variety of interesting activities and attractions. This article
aims to present the destination image of urban tourism
through the characteristics of visitors at Batavia PIK in
North Jakarta. The research method in writing this
scientific article uses quantitative methods by presenting
the results of descriptive statistical processing of the
frequency of the respondents' demographic data and the
results of the average value of the dimensions of the
destination image. The result presents the characteristics
of visitor in tourism spot at Golf Island PIK mostly female,
young visitor, private employed, bachelor, with the income
below 3 million, and interesting to visit because of the
culinary and unique photo spots in Golf Island PIK. And
mostly visitor to visit on the weekend, mostly first timer to
visit Golf Island, the most visitor came from West Jakarta,
travel with family and the favorite spot is Pantjoran PIK.
And the most visitor using Instagram to find information
about tourism spot at Golf Island PIK.
Keywords :
Urban Tourism; Destination Image; Visitor Characteristics
Every city in the world has its problems from
simple to complex so various ways must be taken to push
each city forward and have various achievements.
However, the problem that occurs in the management of
urban tourism is people's behavior, the extremely difficult
issue of managing residents’ attitudes toward tourism
development in urban tourism destinations and finding
effective solutions in how to manage residents' attitudes
systematically to minimize residents' irritation in urban
destinations, which are considered complex systems. A
tourism destination cannot be separated from the image of
the destination itself because visitors will see whether the
destination to be visited has a positive or negative image.
In addition, visitors will also be encouraged to visit a
destination if the destination can attract visitors to have a
variety of interesting activities and attractions. This article
aims to present the destination image of urban tourism
through the characteristics of visitors at Batavia PIK in
North Jakarta. The research method in writing this
scientific article uses quantitative methods by presenting
the results of descriptive statistical processing of the
frequency of the respondents' demographic data and the
results of the average value of the dimensions of the
destination image. The result presents the characteristics
of visitor in tourism spot at Golf Island PIK mostly female,
young visitor, private employed, bachelor, with the income
below 3 million, and interesting to visit because of the
culinary and unique photo spots in Golf Island PIK. And
mostly visitor to visit on the weekend, mostly first timer to
visit Golf Island, the most visitor came from West Jakarta,
travel with family and the favorite spot is Pantjoran PIK.
And the most visitor using Instagram to find information
about tourism spot at Golf Island PIK.
Keywords :
Urban Tourism; Destination Image; Visitor Characteristics