Tripadvisor: Value Creation through Online Travel Reviews using Human Computer Interaction

Authors : Khine Khine Aung.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 5 - May

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Abstract : Nowadays, many people rely on online services to plan a trip. However, they are usually faced with the problem of being supplied with lots of information. In consequence, they have to invest a great deal of time to decide what to visit, when, etc. Tourism has to do with the activities that people carry out during their trips in places that are different from their regular environment. People these days are getting more used to turn to new technologies when planning a trip. This reality can be explained by the fact that Internet is part of our daily life. For this purpose, this paper starts from the assumption that the development of a recommender system can contribute to the field of trip advisor of Tourism. This system which help people find what they need on the net, have had a great success.

Nowadays, many people rely on online services to plan a trip. However, they are usually faced with the problem of being supplied with lots of information. In consequence, they have to invest a great deal of time to decide what to visit, when, etc. Tourism has to do with the activities that people carry out during their trips in places that are different from their regular environment. People these days are getting more used to turn to new technologies when planning a trip. This reality can be explained by the fact that Internet is part of our daily life. For this purpose, this paper starts from the assumption that the development of a recommender system can contribute to the field of trip advisor of Tourism. This system which help people find what they need on the net, have had a great success.

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