Authors :
Dr. P. Sivakumar; Amrithaa I S; Sandhiya A; Janani T; Karthikeyani S
Volume/Issue :
Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 5 - May
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Abstract :
- Indian Sign Language (ISL) could be a
complete language with its own descriptive linguistics,
syntax, vocabulary and a number of other distinctive
linguistic attributes. The globe is hardly live while not
communication, notwithstanding whether or not it's
within the variety of texture, voice or visual expression.
The communication among the deaf and dumb folks is
carried by text and visual expressions. Gestural
communication is usually within the scope of confidential
and secure communication. Hands and facial elements
are vastly powerful to precise the thoughts of human in
confidential communication. Signing is learned by deaf
and dumb, and frequently it's not known to traditional
folks, thus it becomes a challenge for communication
between a standard and hearing impaired person. Its
strike to our mind to bridge the gap between hearing
impaired and traditional folks to create the
communication easier. Signing Language Recognition
(SLR) system takes associate input expression from the
hearing impaired person offers output to the traditional
person within the kind text or voice. The system is split
into 3 main parts: the system style, the dataset, and
therefore the deep learning model coaching and analysis.
Keywords :
Indian Sign Language (ISL); Sign Language Recognition (SLR); Deep Learning;
- Indian Sign Language (ISL) could be a
complete language with its own descriptive linguistics,
syntax, vocabulary and a number of other distinctive
linguistic attributes. The globe is hardly live while not
communication, notwithstanding whether or not it's
within the variety of texture, voice or visual expression.
The communication among the deaf and dumb folks is
carried by text and visual expressions. Gestural
communication is usually within the scope of confidential
and secure communication. Hands and facial elements
are vastly powerful to precise the thoughts of human in
confidential communication. Signing is learned by deaf
and dumb, and frequently it's not known to traditional
folks, thus it becomes a challenge for communication
between a standard and hearing impaired person. Its
strike to our mind to bridge the gap between hearing
impaired and traditional folks to create the
communication easier. Signing Language Recognition
(SLR) system takes associate input expression from the
hearing impaired person offers output to the traditional
person within the kind text or voice. The system is split
into 3 main parts: the system style, the dataset, and
therefore the deep learning model coaching and analysis.
Keywords :
Indian Sign Language (ISL); Sign Language Recognition (SLR); Deep Learning;