Tourist Motivation in Java Bali Regional Tour

Authors : Deivy Zulyanti Nasution; Amalia Mustika; Fachrul Husain Habibie; Myrza Rahmanita; Arief Faizal Rachman

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 12 - December

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Abstract : Tourist motivation is determined by physical, social, status, intellectual and mental needs. All tourist needs have implications for the availability of tourist attractions that aim to meet the needs of these tourists. The characteristics of tourists are different, known as Psychographics, Midcentrics and Allocentrics, that has implications for the development of the spatial aspects of the tourism geography of a tourist area. The spatial aspect that is used for activities starts from stage 1 to stage 4 with motivations and types of tourists involved. This spatial aspect develops not only in a destination but undergoes a process of extensification (expansion) to other destinations to meet the dynamics of different tourist motivations.

Keywords : Component; Tourist Motivation, Regional, Spatial Aspects, Overland Tour.

Tourist motivation is determined by physical, social, status, intellectual and mental needs. All tourist needs have implications for the availability of tourist attractions that aim to meet the needs of these tourists. The characteristics of tourists are different, known as Psychographics, Midcentrics and Allocentrics, that has implications for the development of the spatial aspects of the tourism geography of a tourist area. The spatial aspect that is used for activities starts from stage 1 to stage 4 with motivations and types of tourists involved. This spatial aspect develops not only in a destination but undergoes a process of extensification (expansion) to other destinations to meet the dynamics of different tourist motivations.

Keywords : Component; Tourist Motivation, Regional, Spatial Aspects, Overland Tour.

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