Total Quality Management and its Impact on Organizational Performance: The Case of Ethiotelecom

Authors : Temesgen Ayenew Birhan

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 5 - May

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Abstract : Total Quality Management refers to a management concept which many companies widely employed. Total quality management used by organization to acquire competitive edge in terms of quality, productivity, customer happiness, and profitability. The study's exact objectives were determined by the researcher. The descriptive and explanatory study design, as well as the stratified sample approach, was used to attain the goals. It was believed that both quantitative and qualitative research would be used. Structural equation model was used for analyzing primary data, and secondary data was used to establish relevant literature and make the hypothesis more objective and sensible. The researcher comes to a conclusion after gathering data from ethiotelecom employees and evaluating it in the Amos software tool. Customer focus, top management commitment, and employee management were the major factors for organizational performance improvement.

Keywords : Total quality management, structural equation model, organizational performance

Total Quality Management refers to a management concept which many companies widely employed. Total quality management used by organization to acquire competitive edge in terms of quality, productivity, customer happiness, and profitability. The study's exact objectives were determined by the researcher. The descriptive and explanatory study design, as well as the stratified sample approach, was used to attain the goals. It was believed that both quantitative and qualitative research would be used. Structural equation model was used for analyzing primary data, and secondary data was used to establish relevant literature and make the hypothesis more objective and sensible. The researcher comes to a conclusion after gathering data from ethiotelecom employees and evaluating it in the Amos software tool. Customer focus, top management commitment, and employee management were the major factors for organizational performance improvement.

Keywords : Total quality management, structural equation model, organizational performance

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