Therapeutic Efficacy of Ivermectin as an Adjuvant in the Treatment of Patients with COVID-19 Study conducted at the Social Security Institute for Workers of the State of Chiapas, ISSTECH, Mexico

Authors : Alberto Cundapí Núñez; Gerardo Grajales Yuca; Jesús Miguel Leyva Cervantes; Ana Paola Rubiano Murcia; Marco Antonio Ordoñez Juárez; Jenner Josué Martínez

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 7 - July

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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20JUL252

Abstract : This document sets out the results of a study aimed at estimating the therapeutic efficacy of ivermectin as an adjuvant in the treatment of COVID-19 patients treated at the Specialty Hospital Vida Mejor of the Institute of Social Security for Workers of the State of Chiapas, ISSTECH, Mexico. Ivermectin as an adjuvant in the treatment of COVID-19 patients is more effective (92%) outpatient patients. In critical hospitalized and severe hospitalized patients, ivermectin had a significant impact, both in improving patients' health and decreasing lethality

Keywords : Ivermectin, COVID-19, Efficacy.

This document sets out the results of a study aimed at estimating the therapeutic efficacy of ivermectin as an adjuvant in the treatment of COVID-19 patients treated at the Specialty Hospital Vida Mejor of the Institute of Social Security for Workers of the State of Chiapas, ISSTECH, Mexico. Ivermectin as an adjuvant in the treatment of COVID-19 patients is more effective (92%) outpatient patients. In critical hospitalized and severe hospitalized patients, ivermectin had a significant impact, both in improving patients' health and decreasing lethality

Keywords : Ivermectin, COVID-19, Efficacy.

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