Authors :
Kao-Shan Chen, Shih-Tse Lin, Mei-Yun Huang
Volume/Issue :
Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 11 - November
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Abstract :
After the incident of poisonous starch in
Taiwan, the government immediately repaired the
problem and completed the amendment of the Food
Sanitation Management Law. In addition to
substantially increasing the fines, it also further
strengthened the current food safety risk monitoring
and established an early warning mechanism. The
purpose of this paper is tried to find out the
effectiveness of crisis management by using design of
experiment (DOE). Meanwhile, this paper is also to
study the reflection by customers during different stage
of crisis, such as before crisis, crisis happening and
crisis recovery. The dimensions of brand relationship
and reports related to food safety are accumulated to
simulation the diffident stage of crisis management by
using design of experiment. The result of this paper
represent that among the stage of before crisis, crisis
happening and crisis recovery is difference. This paper
find out the most impact to customers is crisis
happening as well which means most customers are
affective the confidence with an enterprise by the affair
of crisis, and the confidence of customers will be
increased while a well treatment in the stage of crisis
Keywords :
Brand Relationship Quality; Crisis Management ; DOE; Brand Image.
After the incident of poisonous starch in
Taiwan, the government immediately repaired the
problem and completed the amendment of the Food
Sanitation Management Law. In addition to
substantially increasing the fines, it also further
strengthened the current food safety risk monitoring
and established an early warning mechanism. The
purpose of this paper is tried to find out the
effectiveness of crisis management by using design of
experiment (DOE). Meanwhile, this paper is also to
study the reflection by customers during different stage
of crisis, such as before crisis, crisis happening and
crisis recovery. The dimensions of brand relationship
and reports related to food safety are accumulated to
simulation the diffident stage of crisis management by
using design of experiment. The result of this paper
represent that among the stage of before crisis, crisis
happening and crisis recovery is difference. This paper
find out the most impact to customers is crisis
happening as well which means most customers are
affective the confidence with an enterprise by the affair
of crisis, and the confidence of customers will be
increased while a well treatment in the stage of crisis
Keywords :
Brand Relationship Quality; Crisis Management ; DOE; Brand Image.