Authors :
Siswanto Pabidang; Adriana Pakendek; Ahmad Jaeni
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
The main objectives of study were to
determine the causes of medical disputes and provide a
detailed analysis of the medical dispute resolution
mechanism. The research method used a qualitative
approach with a focus on judicial normative analysis and
legal analysis. This study used a normative legal
approach to analyze relevant legal norms in resolving
medical disputes through mediation The result showed it
can be concluded that 1) the cause of medical disputes is
due to communication failure,medical misdiagnosis and
treatment, non-compliance with ethical and legal
standards, dissatisfaction with outcomes and inadequate
resources and 2) Medical dispute resolution in Indonesia
has undergone a significant transformation introducing a
mediation mechanism as a mandatory initial step in
dispute resolution, with the aim of creating a more
efficient and transparent process.
Keywords :
Health, Law, Medical Disputes, Normatif and Resolution.
References :
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The main objectives of study were to
determine the causes of medical disputes and provide a
detailed analysis of the medical dispute resolution
mechanism. The research method used a qualitative
approach with a focus on judicial normative analysis and
legal analysis. This study used a normative legal
approach to analyze relevant legal norms in resolving
medical disputes through mediation The result showed it
can be concluded that 1) the cause of medical disputes is
due to communication failure,medical misdiagnosis and
treatment, non-compliance with ethical and legal
standards, dissatisfaction with outcomes and inadequate
resources and 2) Medical dispute resolution in Indonesia
has undergone a significant transformation introducing a
mediation mechanism as a mandatory initial step in
dispute resolution, with the aim of creating a more
efficient and transparent process.
Keywords :
Health, Law, Medical Disputes, Normatif and Resolution.