The Role of Self-Management Practices, Competency, and Time Management Practices of the University Undergraduates on Their Success: A Conceptual Model Development

Authors : T. L. Sajeevanie

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 8 - August

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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20AUG273

Abstract : Most of the university undergraduate students are having very good academic results at their secondary school education. However, when they enter to the university, very little amount of students pay more attention compared with their previous studies, very limited number of students continue their studies as previously. Majority of the students pay less attention compared with their Advance level. In addition, the most serious issue is there are some students who does not pay considerable level of attention for their university studies and them very unsuccessful at the university level. Some of they cannot get at least general pass at the desired time. Another important factor is majority of them do not have clear life plan. Hence, the major outcome of this study is to develop a conceptual model to test the importance of having proper self-management practices and time management practices. In addition, this study has identified the importance of identify the methods of how to disseminate the knowledge of self-management and time management practices. And this study suggest for future researchers to conduct research studies on how to disseminate the knowledge and enhancing the selfmanagement competency, initially at the university level and ultimately at the national level.

Keywords : Self-Management Practices, Students Success and Time Management Practices.

Most of the university undergraduate students are having very good academic results at their secondary school education. However, when they enter to the university, very little amount of students pay more attention compared with their previous studies, very limited number of students continue their studies as previously. Majority of the students pay less attention compared with their Advance level. In addition, the most serious issue is there are some students who does not pay considerable level of attention for their university studies and them very unsuccessful at the university level. Some of they cannot get at least general pass at the desired time. Another important factor is majority of them do not have clear life plan. Hence, the major outcome of this study is to develop a conceptual model to test the importance of having proper self-management practices and time management practices. In addition, this study has identified the importance of identify the methods of how to disseminate the knowledge of self-management and time management practices. And this study suggest for future researchers to conduct research studies on how to disseminate the knowledge and enhancing the selfmanagement competency, initially at the university level and ultimately at the national level.

Keywords : Self-Management Practices, Students Success and Time Management Practices.

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