Authors :
R. Alamsyah Sutantio
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
The aims of study were to determine the effect
of customer relationship strategic (CRS), innovation
strategic and capability strategic on competitive
advantage and marketing performance in Batik SMEs in
Jember. Populatin were owner and employee’s of Batik
SMEs in Jember. Sample were 176 respondent. Analysis
methode used Structural Equation Models. Result showed
CRS had an effect on competitive advantage in Batik
SMEs in Jember; 2) Innovation had an effect on the
competitive advantage of Batik SMEs in Jember; 3)
Strategy Capacity has no effect on the competitive
advantage of Batik SMEs in Jember; 4) CRS has no effect
on the marketing performance of Batik SMEs in Jember;
5) Innovation strategy had an effect on the marketing
performance of Batik SMEs in Jember; 6) Strategy
capability has no effect on the marketing performance of
Batik SMEs in Jember; and 7) competitive advantage had
an effect on the marketing performance of Batik SMEs in
Keywords :
Capability Strategic, Competitive Advantage, Customer Relationship Strategic, Innovation Strategic and Marketing Performance.
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The aims of study were to determine the effect
of customer relationship strategic (CRS), innovation
strategic and capability strategic on competitive
advantage and marketing performance in Batik SMEs in
Jember. Populatin were owner and employee’s of Batik
SMEs in Jember. Sample were 176 respondent. Analysis
methode used Structural Equation Models. Result showed
CRS had an effect on competitive advantage in Batik
SMEs in Jember; 2) Innovation had an effect on the
competitive advantage of Batik SMEs in Jember; 3)
Strategy Capacity has no effect on the competitive
advantage of Batik SMEs in Jember; 4) CRS has no effect
on the marketing performance of Batik SMEs in Jember;
5) Innovation strategy had an effect on the marketing
performance of Batik SMEs in Jember; 6) Strategy
capability has no effect on the marketing performance of
Batik SMEs in Jember; and 7) competitive advantage had
an effect on the marketing performance of Batik SMEs in
Keywords :
Capability Strategic, Competitive Advantage, Customer Relationship Strategic, Innovation Strategic and Marketing Performance.