Authors :
Kaggwa Andrew; Allan Daniel Bunyenyezi
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
The objective of this investigation was to
examine the connection between working capital
management, financial-expertise, and the business
success of Micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises
(MSMEs) in Nakawa Divisio, Kampalan. The study
adopted a quantitative methodology to produce
numerical data and applied causal-comparative and
correlational designs. The analysis focused on MSMEs,
with business owners serving as the primary respondents.
About 132 questionnaires were distributed, and 130 were
completed and reverted, yielding a high response rate of
98.48%, which was adequate for the study’s conclusions.
Most of respondents were female, married, and actively
involved in business activities, with an educational
background. Most MSMEs were registered but employed
fewer than five workers. Analytical tools such as Pearson
correlation and linear regression were utilized for the
data analysis. The findings revealed that financial
expertise significantly moderates the association between
working capital management (specifically inventory
management) and business success. The results highlight
that improving financial skills such as debt management,
bookkeeping, and budgeting through education, training,
and collaboration with financial institutions enhances the
ability of MSME owners to manage working capital
efficiently, thereby boosting business-success. The study
recommended that MSME owners in Nakawa Division
prioritize developing their financial expertise through
training sessions, workshops, and partnerships with
financial organizations or business development agencies.
Additionally, future research could delve into other
factors influencing MSME success, such as marketing
strategies, innovation potential, or access to modern
Keywords :
Working Capital Management, Financial Expertise, Business Success.
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The objective of this investigation was to
examine the connection between working capital
management, financial-expertise, and the business
success of Micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises
(MSMEs) in Nakawa Divisio, Kampalan. The study
adopted a quantitative methodology to produce
numerical data and applied causal-comparative and
correlational designs. The analysis focused on MSMEs,
with business owners serving as the primary respondents.
About 132 questionnaires were distributed, and 130 were
completed and reverted, yielding a high response rate of
98.48%, which was adequate for the study’s conclusions.
Most of respondents were female, married, and actively
involved in business activities, with an educational
background. Most MSMEs were registered but employed
fewer than five workers. Analytical tools such as Pearson
correlation and linear regression were utilized for the
data analysis. The findings revealed that financial
expertise significantly moderates the association between
working capital management (specifically inventory
management) and business success. The results highlight
that improving financial skills such as debt management,
bookkeeping, and budgeting through education, training,
and collaboration with financial institutions enhances the
ability of MSME owners to manage working capital
efficiently, thereby boosting business-success. The study
recommended that MSME owners in Nakawa Division
prioritize developing their financial expertise through
training sessions, workshops, and partnerships with
financial organizations or business development agencies.
Additionally, future research could delve into other
factors influencing MSME success, such as marketing
strategies, innovation potential, or access to modern
Keywords :
Working Capital Management, Financial Expertise, Business Success.