The Relationship between Organizational Trust and Employee Creativity Mediated by Leader Member Exchange (LMX)

Authors : Rahma Dewi Alwiyanti, Aam Bastaman, Kabul Wahyu Utomo

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 2 - February

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Abstract : This study aims to determine the relationship between Organizational Trust and Employee Creativity Mediated by Leader Member Exchange (LMX) This research approach was conducted with a quantitative method. There are several variables in this study, among others: Employee Creativity (EC), Organization Trust (OT), Employee Creativity (EC), and Relationship between Superiors and Subordinates (Leader Member Exchange-LMX). Researchers used questionnaires as research instruments. Respondents were selected using the Purposive Random Sampling method. The sample in this study consisted of 60 employees consisting of echelon 3, 4 officials and also the personal staff. Based on the research results, it can be concluded: There is a relationship between organizational trust (OT) and the relationship between superiors and subordinates (LMX), meaning that the higher the OT, the LMX also increase; There is no relationship between the relationship between superiors and subordinates (LMX) with employee creativity (EC); there is a relationship between organizational trust (OT) and employee creativity (EC). There is no relationship between organizational trust (OT) and employee creativity (EC) mediated by the relationship between superiors and subordinates (LMX); and Individual Motivation (IM) does not moderate the relationship between superiors and subordinates (LMX) and Employee Creativity (EC).

Keywords : Organizational Trust, Employee Creativity, Mediation, Leader Member Exchange.

This study aims to determine the relationship between Organizational Trust and Employee Creativity Mediated by Leader Member Exchange (LMX) This research approach was conducted with a quantitative method. There are several variables in this study, among others: Employee Creativity (EC), Organization Trust (OT), Employee Creativity (EC), and Relationship between Superiors and Subordinates (Leader Member Exchange-LMX). Researchers used questionnaires as research instruments. Respondents were selected using the Purposive Random Sampling method. The sample in this study consisted of 60 employees consisting of echelon 3, 4 officials and also the personal staff. Based on the research results, it can be concluded: There is a relationship between organizational trust (OT) and the relationship between superiors and subordinates (LMX), meaning that the higher the OT, the LMX also increase; There is no relationship between the relationship between superiors and subordinates (LMX) with employee creativity (EC); there is a relationship between organizational trust (OT) and employee creativity (EC). There is no relationship between organizational trust (OT) and employee creativity (EC) mediated by the relationship between superiors and subordinates (LMX); and Individual Motivation (IM) does not moderate the relationship between superiors and subordinates (LMX) and Employee Creativity (EC).

Keywords : Organizational Trust, Employee Creativity, Mediation, Leader Member Exchange.

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