The Relationship between Education Levels and Attitudes and Motivations of the Nurses’ Performance in Providing Patients and Family Education in a Mental Hospital of Jambi Province Year 2018

Authors : Dwi Kartika Pebrianti, Merry Neherta, Ismar Agustin.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 2 - February

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Abstract : The high rate of mental patients recurrence is the lack of patients and families understanding about how to treat patients at home after returning from a mental hospital. This understanding is obtained through the educational process provided by health workers like nurses. Education for patients and families is very necessary for patient independence after returning home, especially for patients with mental disorders. This study aims to find and analyze the relationship between education levels, attitudes and motivations of the nurses’ performance in providing education for patients and families in a mental hospital. The study was tested using a cross-sectional correlational design with a sample of 117 nurses. The sampling technique was used propotional random sampling technique. This research was conducted from June 2017 to May 2018. The place of research was in the Inpatient Room of Mental Hospital of Jambi Province. Bivariate analysis was obtained from education levels (p-value: 0.025) and motivations (0.03) with the performance of nurses in providing education to patients and families. While the attitudes variable in the analysis data has no relationship (p-value: 0.302). It is expected that nurses as the spearhead of service in the Jambi Provincial General Hospital can improve their role and performance in providing education that contributes to improving the health status of patients.

Keywords : The Nurses’ Performance, Education Levels, Attitudes, Motivation.

The high rate of mental patients recurrence is the lack of patients and families understanding about how to treat patients at home after returning from a mental hospital. This understanding is obtained through the educational process provided by health workers like nurses. Education for patients and families is very necessary for patient independence after returning home, especially for patients with mental disorders. This study aims to find and analyze the relationship between education levels, attitudes and motivations of the nurses’ performance in providing education for patients and families in a mental hospital. The study was tested using a cross-sectional correlational design with a sample of 117 nurses. The sampling technique was used propotional random sampling technique. This research was conducted from June 2017 to May 2018. The place of research was in the Inpatient Room of Mental Hospital of Jambi Province. Bivariate analysis was obtained from education levels (p-value: 0.025) and motivations (0.03) with the performance of nurses in providing education to patients and families. While the attitudes variable in the analysis data has no relationship (p-value: 0.302). It is expected that nurses as the spearhead of service in the Jambi Provincial General Hospital can improve their role and performance in providing education that contributes to improving the health status of patients.

Keywords : The Nurses’ Performance, Education Levels, Attitudes, Motivation.

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