The Relationship between Customer-Focused Capabilities and Information-Focused Capabilities on Firm Performance: A Moderated Mediation Model: Control Variables (Company Size)

Authors : Emad Eldeen Abou; Abdulhag Balal; Hatim Alim; IdreisElsiddig

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 8 - August

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Abstract : This paper aims to investigate the role of Customer-Focused Capabilities and InformationFocused Capabilities on firm performance in SEMS: A moderated mediation model: testing control variable (company size). Design/methodology/approach: In this study, the authors used a mono method approach and using a survey instrument, to collect data from 200 successful Sudanese’s SMEs.The units of analysis were individual Sudanese’s SMEsfirms, and the targeted respondents were managersor the owner of those SMEs. Findings: The findings show Positive relationship between Customer -Focused Capabilities and Information-Focused Capabilities on performance. The results also reveal a positive relationship between logistics information technology and performance. Also, a positive relationship between Customer -Focused Capabilities and Information-Focused Capabilities as A moderated mediation model. Originality/value: This study highlights the relationship between Customer -Focused Capabilities and Information-Focused Capabilities on firm performance, and the results may be generalisable to wider economies and different organization types

Keywords : Customer -Focused, Information-Focused, firm performance, A moderated mediation model

This paper aims to investigate the role of Customer-Focused Capabilities and InformationFocused Capabilities on firm performance in SEMS: A moderated mediation model: testing control variable (company size). Design/methodology/approach: In this study, the authors used a mono method approach and using a survey instrument, to collect data from 200 successful Sudanese’s SMEs.The units of analysis were individual Sudanese’s SMEsfirms, and the targeted respondents were managersor the owner of those SMEs. Findings: The findings show Positive relationship between Customer -Focused Capabilities and Information-Focused Capabilities on performance. The results also reveal a positive relationship between logistics information technology and performance. Also, a positive relationship between Customer -Focused Capabilities and Information-Focused Capabilities as A moderated mediation model. Originality/value: This study highlights the relationship between Customer -Focused Capabilities and Information-Focused Capabilities on firm performance, and the results may be generalisable to wider economies and different organization types

Keywords : Customer -Focused, Information-Focused, firm performance, A moderated mediation model

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