Authors :
Dr. Deelip S. Natekar, Utalbasha N. Dhandargi, Gurunath. M, Dyavappa. B, Gangavva. K, Jaimy. P, J. Mahesh, Hanamanta. S, Hulagappa. A, Ms Jayalaxmi. K.
Volume/Issue :
Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 5 - May
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Abstract :
In 2001 the population of people above sixty years of age in India was about 7 percent. In 2026 the expected above sixty years of population is 11.6%. It might the effect of improved life style or better medical services that the elderly population is improving. In 25 years the expected increase in population is by 4.6%. The quality of life of elders is always questionable. The present lifestyle in young age and increasing morbidity conditions are effecting the quality of life of elders in many forms. In view of the above, it was felt to assess the QOL and its associated factors among this vulnerable population so that effective measures to improve the QOL can be implemented at community level1. Objective: The objective of the study was to assess the quality of life and factors influencing it among elderly in rural areas. Design: Descriptive cross sectional study. 50 elderly were selected from Bevoor village by convenient sampling technique.
Keywords :
Quality of Life, Elders, BREF, Rural, Influencing Factors.
In 2001 the population of people above sixty years of age in India was about 7 percent. In 2026 the expected above sixty years of population is 11.6%. It might the effect of improved life style or better medical services that the elderly population is improving. In 25 years the expected increase in population is by 4.6%. The quality of life of elders is always questionable. The present lifestyle in young age and increasing morbidity conditions are effecting the quality of life of elders in many forms. In view of the above, it was felt to assess the QOL and its associated factors among this vulnerable population so that effective measures to improve the QOL can be implemented at community level1. Objective: The objective of the study was to assess the quality of life and factors influencing it among elderly in rural areas. Design: Descriptive cross sectional study. 50 elderly were selected from Bevoor village by convenient sampling technique.
Keywords :
Quality of Life, Elders, BREF, Rural, Influencing Factors.