The Operational Risk Analysis based on the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Approach at PT. AIJ

Authors : Dendy Dirgantara; Adolf B.Heatubun

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 9 - September

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Abstract : PT. AIJ is a manucfacture company engaged in the manufacture of adhesives or glues for industrial purposes. In carrying out its business PT. AIJ will face risks arising from internal and external factors that can provide losses to the company. The purpose of this study is to identify, analyze operational risks, the impacts caused by these risks and to find out what actions will be carried outn as a measure to anticipate or prevent losses from operational risks to PT. AIJ. This research uses an Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) approach. From the identification of operational risks, researchers showed that there are 31 risks of onal operations that may occur in PT. AIJ. These risks come from human resource risks, process risks, raw material procurement risks, raw material and finished goods supervision risks, system risks, goods delivery risks so, environmental risks, risks reputation of enterprises and risks of handling waste. From the results of the risk assessment, the researcher provides solutions or alternatives at the Very High to medium risk levels as an action that must be taken by PT. AIJ to deal with these risks by reducing the risks.

Keywords : Risk management, Operational Risk, Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)

PT. AIJ is a manucfacture company engaged in the manufacture of adhesives or glues for industrial purposes. In carrying out its business PT. AIJ will face risks arising from internal and external factors that can provide losses to the company. The purpose of this study is to identify, analyze operational risks, the impacts caused by these risks and to find out what actions will be carried outn as a measure to anticipate or prevent losses from operational risks to PT. AIJ. This research uses an Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) approach. From the identification of operational risks, researchers showed that there are 31 risks of onal operations that may occur in PT. AIJ. These risks come from human resource risks, process risks, raw material procurement risks, raw material and finished goods supervision risks, system risks, goods delivery risks so, environmental risks, risks reputation of enterprises and risks of handling waste. From the results of the risk assessment, the researcher provides solutions or alternatives at the Very High to medium risk levels as an action that must be taken by PT. AIJ to deal with these risks by reducing the risks.

Keywords : Risk management, Operational Risk, Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)

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