The Meaning of Work and Work Performance on Autism Therapist: The Mediating Role of Employee Engagement

Authors : Marhisar Simatupang; Ahmad Baihaqi; Taru Guritna

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 8 - August

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Abstract : There search was made for examine the impact of the meaning of work on work performance mediated work engagement. The variables tested in this study were the meaning of work as exogenous variables, performance as an endogenous variable, work engagement as a mediator as a moderator fit with empirical data. Research respondents were autism therapists at institutions for autism in Karawang as many as 203 therapists.Data analysis using Structural Equation Model (SEM) using partial least squares (PLS).Based on the test results, the hypothetical model has SRMR of 0,082 or below 0.10 the majority of the fit index. The model has met the good fit parameters.This means that the theoretical research model can be accepted as a model that fits the data in the field, namely the influence of the meaning of work and organizational support on performance mediated by work engagement moderated by character strength according to empirical data.The results showed that there was a significant effect of work meaning on work performance mediated work engagement

Keywords : Work Performance, Meaning of Work, Work Engagement.

There search was made for examine the impact of the meaning of work on work performance mediated work engagement. The variables tested in this study were the meaning of work as exogenous variables, performance as an endogenous variable, work engagement as a mediator as a moderator fit with empirical data. Research respondents were autism therapists at institutions for autism in Karawang as many as 203 therapists.Data analysis using Structural Equation Model (SEM) using partial least squares (PLS).Based on the test results, the hypothetical model has SRMR of 0,082 or below 0.10 the majority of the fit index. The model has met the good fit parameters.This means that the theoretical research model can be accepted as a model that fits the data in the field, namely the influence of the meaning of work and organizational support on performance mediated by work engagement moderated by character strength according to empirical data.The results showed that there was a significant effect of work meaning on work performance mediated work engagement

Keywords : Work Performance, Meaning of Work, Work Engagement.

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