Authors :
Kustianingsih; Hadri Mulya
Volume/Issue :
Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 6 - June
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Abstract :
This examines pursuits to determine the impact
of solvability, profitability, and former 12 months’ audit
opinion on going problem audit opinion. The population of
this examine is the mining sector agencies listed on
Indonesia stock exchange year 2015-2019. The take a look
at pattern used are 34 agencies in mining quarter which
decided on primarily based on purposive sampling. The
study approach used quantitative approach, with logistic
regression evaluation. The effects of this have a look at
were solvability had no impact on going problem audit
opinion, profitability had a importance impact on going
difficulty audit opinion, and previous 12 months’ audit
opinion had impact on going challenge audit opinion.
Keywords :
Solvability, Profitability, Prior audit opinion, Going concern opinion
This examines pursuits to determine the impact
of solvability, profitability, and former 12 months’ audit
opinion on going problem audit opinion. The population of
this examine is the mining sector agencies listed on
Indonesia stock exchange year 2015-2019. The take a look
at pattern used are 34 agencies in mining quarter which
decided on primarily based on purposive sampling. The
study approach used quantitative approach, with logistic
regression evaluation. The effects of this have a look at
were solvability had no impact on going problem audit
opinion, profitability had a importance impact on going
difficulty audit opinion, and previous 12 months’ audit
opinion had impact on going challenge audit opinion.
Keywords :
Solvability, Profitability, Prior audit opinion, Going concern opinion