The Influence of Product Quality, Service Quality and Personal Selling on Customer Satisfaction and the Impact on Customer Word of Mouth in PT.XYZ Balaraja Branch

Authors : Salomo Roy Freddy; Zulfitri; Dudi Permana

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 8 - August

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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20AUG355

Abstract : This research aims to find out the effect of product quality, service quality and personal selling on customer satisfaction and its impact towards word of mouth communication on PT.XYZ customers. This research is a quantitative research with the sampling technique used is non random sampling technique. The population level determined in this study consists of customers from PT.XYZ branch Balaraja who actively transact at least 3 times the period range until 2019. The research data is primary data from questionnaire given to 165 respondents and secondary data from company data. Analysis method of this research is Structural Equation Modelling with software LISREL 8.8. Research result shows that product quality, service quality, and personal selling have a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction, and customer satisfaction have a positive and significant effect on word of mouth. Product quality, service quality, and personal selling have a positive and significant effect on word of mouth. Product quality is the strongest influence on customer satisfaction. Personal selling is the strongest influence on word of mouth

Keywords : Product Quality, Sevice Quality, Personal Selling, Customer Satisfaction, Word Of Mouth.

This research aims to find out the effect of product quality, service quality and personal selling on customer satisfaction and its impact towards word of mouth communication on PT.XYZ customers. This research is a quantitative research with the sampling technique used is non random sampling technique. The population level determined in this study consists of customers from PT.XYZ branch Balaraja who actively transact at least 3 times the period range until 2019. The research data is primary data from questionnaire given to 165 respondents and secondary data from company data. Analysis method of this research is Structural Equation Modelling with software LISREL 8.8. Research result shows that product quality, service quality, and personal selling have a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction, and customer satisfaction have a positive and significant effect on word of mouth. Product quality, service quality, and personal selling have a positive and significant effect on word of mouth. Product quality is the strongest influence on customer satisfaction. Personal selling is the strongest influence on word of mouth

Keywords : Product Quality, Sevice Quality, Personal Selling, Customer Satisfaction, Word Of Mouth.

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