Authors :
Benedektus Wahyu Kusbiyantara; Dr. Dendi Anggi Gumilang
Volume/Issue :
Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 2 - February
Scribd :
Abstract :
"The Influence of Product Quality and
Promotion on Purchasing Decisions through Price as a
Mediating Variable for Rapid Antigen Sars-Cov2 at PT
Roche is the subject of this study. Quantitative research
is used by the author in this study. The sample in this
study are customers of PT. Roche as many as 156
respondents. Non-Probability Sampling is used as the
sampling method in this study. Partial Least Square
(PLS) is the tool of choice for analysis. The results of the
study show that (1) product quality has a positive and
significant effect on purchasing decisions, (2) promotion
has a positive and significant effect on purchasing
decisions, (3) product quality has a positive and
significant effect on purchasing decisions.significant
effect on price, (4) promotion has a positive and
significant effect on price, (5) price has a positive and
significant effect on purchasing decisions, (6) product
quality has a
ce.positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions
through price. According to the findings of this study,
PT Roche should pay more attention to the wants and
needs of customers and find new ways to entice them to
buy products.
Keywords :
Product Quality, Price,.Promotion,.Purchase Decision.
"The Influence of Product Quality and
Promotion on Purchasing Decisions through Price as a
Mediating Variable for Rapid Antigen Sars-Cov2 at PT
Roche is the subject of this study. Quantitative research
is used by the author in this study. The sample in this
study are customers of PT. Roche as many as 156
respondents. Non-Probability Sampling is used as the
sampling method in this study. Partial Least Square
(PLS) is the tool of choice for analysis. The results of the
study show that (1) product quality has a positive and
significant effect on purchasing decisions, (2) promotion
has a positive and significant effect on purchasing
decisions, (3) product quality has a positive and
significant effect on purchasing decisions.significant
effect on price, (4) promotion has a positive and
significant effect on price, (5) price has a positive and
significant effect on purchasing decisions, (6) product
quality has a
ce.positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions
through price. According to the findings of this study,
PT Roche should pay more attention to the wants and
needs of customers and find new ways to entice them to
buy products.
Keywords :
Product Quality, Price,.Promotion,.Purchase Decision.