The Influence of Parallel Computing on Building Deep Learning Model for the Classification of Bean Diseases

Authors : Jean Bosco Gashugi; Dr. Emmanuel Bugingo

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 7 - July

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Abstract : In recent years, the utilization of deep learning techniques for image classification has made significant strides in the field of agriculture. One of the key areas of interest in agriculture is the early detection and classification of diseases in crops, as this can have an insightful impact on crop revenue and quality. This research has investigated the influence of parallel computing on the performance of a deep learning-based classification model for diagnosing bean diseases. Specifically, we have explored the use of parallel computing frameworks to accelerate model training and inference, thereby enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of disease classification. Our findings demonstrated the potential for parallel computing to accelerate model training. When training a bean disease classification model, we achieved an accuracy of 0.93 using parallel computing, compared to 0.83 with serial computing. Moreover, parallel computing significantly reduced training time, taking only 3 minutes compared to 51 minutes with serial computing.

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In recent years, the utilization of deep learning techniques for image classification has made significant strides in the field of agriculture. One of the key areas of interest in agriculture is the early detection and classification of diseases in crops, as this can have an insightful impact on crop revenue and quality. This research has investigated the influence of parallel computing on the performance of a deep learning-based classification model for diagnosing bean diseases. Specifically, we have explored the use of parallel computing frameworks to accelerate model training and inference, thereby enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of disease classification. Our findings demonstrated the potential for parallel computing to accelerate model training. When training a bean disease classification model, we achieved an accuracy of 0.93 using parallel computing, compared to 0.83 with serial computing. Moreover, parallel computing significantly reduced training time, taking only 3 minutes compared to 51 minutes with serial computing.

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