The Influence of Open Unemployment and Msmes on the Human Development Index in NTB Province

Authors : Lilik Hidayati; Amin Tohari; Dwi Agustini

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 2 - February

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Abstract : The Human Development Index (HDI) is a measure of human development achievements based on several basic quality-of-life components. The NTB Province HDI growth in 2022 has increased by 1.18 percent. HDI is built from three basic dimensions which include a long and healthy life; knowledge, and a decent life. HDI is an important indicator to measure success in efforts to build the quality of human life. The focus variables in this study are the Open Unemployment Rate (OUR) and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Based on the results of research and analysis, the HDI in NTB Province is influenced by the MSME and OUR variables by 71.3%. The results show that the MSME and OUR variables can increase the HDI value of an area if the number of MSMEs increases so that OUR can be absorbed.

Keywords : Human Development Index (HDI), Open Unemployment Rate (OUR), Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).

The Human Development Index (HDI) is a measure of human development achievements based on several basic quality-of-life components. The NTB Province HDI growth in 2022 has increased by 1.18 percent. HDI is built from three basic dimensions which include a long and healthy life; knowledge, and a decent life. HDI is an important indicator to measure success in efforts to build the quality of human life. The focus variables in this study are the Open Unemployment Rate (OUR) and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Based on the results of research and analysis, the HDI in NTB Province is influenced by the MSME and OUR variables by 71.3%. The results show that the MSME and OUR variables can increase the HDI value of an area if the number of MSMEs increases so that OUR can be absorbed.

Keywords : Human Development Index (HDI), Open Unemployment Rate (OUR), Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).

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