Authors :
Tati Supartini; Agustin Fadjarenie; Deden Tarmidi; Lin Oktris
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 7 - July
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Abstract :
Empirical evidence will be collected in this
study in order to find out how liquidity, leverage,
profitability, company size and gender of the financial
director will influence financial statement fraud . This type
of study involves causal relationships with a quantitative
approach. The population is 163 manufacturing
companies registered on the IDX in 2018-2022. Over a
span of five years, data from 117 people was collected using
purposive sampling techniques . Fixed Effect Model for
estimating panel data used to analyze data using e view 10
software. The study results show that factors such as
gender of the finance director and liquidity have no
influence on Financial Statement Fraud compared to
leverage , profitability and company size.
Keywords :
Liquidity, Leverage, Profitability, Company Size, Gender of Financial Director, Financial Statement Fraud.
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Empirical evidence will be collected in this
study in order to find out how liquidity, leverage,
profitability, company size and gender of the financial
director will influence financial statement fraud . This type
of study involves causal relationships with a quantitative
approach. The population is 163 manufacturing
companies registered on the IDX in 2018-2022. Over a
span of five years, data from 117 people was collected using
purposive sampling techniques . Fixed Effect Model for
estimating panel data used to analyze data using e view 10
software. The study results show that factors such as
gender of the finance director and liquidity have no
influence on Financial Statement Fraud compared to
leverage , profitability and company size.
Keywords :
Liquidity, Leverage, Profitability, Company Size, Gender of Financial Director, Financial Statement Fraud.