The Influence of Industry 4.0 on Automotive Sector

Authors : Mufaddal Hatim Havalchi; Dr. Swati John

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 3 - March

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Abstract : Technology has always witnessed multiple enhancements and changes in different forms and patterns in different industry and businesses. This has started with industrial revolution when more technicalaspects were developed and included in industries for different types of improvements and enhancements. Industry 4.0 is the new term which is quickly gaining momentum. Industry has evolved in unique way recently and has redesigned the ecosystem entirely. The automobile business has accepted the Industry 4.0 and used the developments in production tools, smart finished products, information tools and analytics that use Internet of Things. The automobileindustry has turned and major boosts have taken place in the production area. Industry 4.0 has entered the world in which computerization and mechanization will come mutually in an altogether unique form, with robotics connected tenuously to computer technology well equipped with machine-learning algorithms that can control it significantly. This report contains detailed analysis of industry 4.0 and its position and collision on automotive-industry. The study is based on secondary data analysis and authentic sources are considered to understand the role and impact of industry 4.o on automotive-industry.

Keywords : Industry 4.0, Automotive industry, Growth of industry, Challenges.

Technology has always witnessed multiple enhancements and changes in different forms and patterns in different industry and businesses. This has started with industrial revolution when more technicalaspects were developed and included in industries for different types of improvements and enhancements. Industry 4.0 is the new term which is quickly gaining momentum. Industry has evolved in unique way recently and has redesigned the ecosystem entirely. The automobile business has accepted the Industry 4.0 and used the developments in production tools, smart finished products, information tools and analytics that use Internet of Things. The automobileindustry has turned and major boosts have taken place in the production area. Industry 4.0 has entered the world in which computerization and mechanization will come mutually in an altogether unique form, with robotics connected tenuously to computer technology well equipped with machine-learning algorithms that can control it significantly. This report contains detailed analysis of industry 4.0 and its position and collision on automotive-industry. The study is based on secondary data analysis and authentic sources are considered to understand the role and impact of industry 4.o on automotive-industry.

Keywords : Industry 4.0, Automotive industry, Growth of industry, Challenges.

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