Authors :
Oladapo Bolaji Titilope
Volume/Issue :
Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 1 - January
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Abstract :
Nigeria’s financial system has undergone
several reform policies which are aimed at accelerating
growth of the economy. However, despite these policies
put in place, growth continues to dwindle overtime. This
indicates that Nigeria’s financial system is not efficiently
performing its expansion parts and presently not in a
position to drive growth and development in the
economy. This study studied the empirical connection
between financial development and economic growth in
Nigeria for the period from 1987 to 2018. The study
employed secondary data sourced from Central Bank of
Nigeria (CBN) statistical bulletin and World Bank
Development Indicators (WDI). This study adopted
Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model
estimation technique. Using ADF stationarity test,
Variables employed were found to be stationary at level
1(0) and first difference 1(1) respectively. Bound
cointegration test indicated a long run link between
financial development and Nigeria economic growth.
Findings in this study likewise revealed that financial
development have no significant influence on Nigeria’s
economic growth. Specifically, findings indicated the
coefficient of stock market capitalization to GDP ratio
to be 0.6032 in the long run and 0.1203 in the short run.
Real interest rate coefficient was 0.0341 in the long run
and 0.0068 in the short run. The coefficient of exchange
rate was 0.751 in the long run and 0.149 in the short
run. This result showed that stock market
capitalization, real interest rate and exchange rate
influence economic growth in both the short-run and
the long-run. Though, at 5% level of significance stock
market capitalization, real interest rate was statistically
insignificant. Furthermore, the coefficient of liquid
liability to GDP ratio was -1.004 in the long run and -
0.2004 in the short run. Coefficient of credit to private
sector was 1.1513 in the long run and 0.2296 in the short
run. This indicated that credit to private sector
contributed positively to growth in both the short run
and the long run, while liquid liability has a negative
effect on growth in both periods. Further, 19.95% of
resulting disequilibrium in the economy is captured
each period. On the basis of this empirical evidence, this
study recommends that Nigeria’s government should
focus on improving and strengthening the financial
system. As such, this will enhance effective channeling
of financial resources for productive investment
projects. Furthermore, financial strategies should be
geared towards encouraging a more competitive
environment which will upsurges effective financial
service delivery in Nigeria economy.
Keywords :
Financial Sector Development, Nigeria’s Economic Growth, Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) Model.
Nigeria’s financial system has undergone
several reform policies which are aimed at accelerating
growth of the economy. However, despite these policies
put in place, growth continues to dwindle overtime. This
indicates that Nigeria’s financial system is not efficiently
performing its expansion parts and presently not in a
position to drive growth and development in the
economy. This study studied the empirical connection
between financial development and economic growth in
Nigeria for the period from 1987 to 2018. The study
employed secondary data sourced from Central Bank of
Nigeria (CBN) statistical bulletin and World Bank
Development Indicators (WDI). This study adopted
Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model
estimation technique. Using ADF stationarity test,
Variables employed were found to be stationary at level
1(0) and first difference 1(1) respectively. Bound
cointegration test indicated a long run link between
financial development and Nigeria economic growth.
Findings in this study likewise revealed that financial
development have no significant influence on Nigeria’s
economic growth. Specifically, findings indicated the
coefficient of stock market capitalization to GDP ratio
to be 0.6032 in the long run and 0.1203 in the short run.
Real interest rate coefficient was 0.0341 in the long run
and 0.0068 in the short run. The coefficient of exchange
rate was 0.751 in the long run and 0.149 in the short
run. This result showed that stock market
capitalization, real interest rate and exchange rate
influence economic growth in both the short-run and
the long-run. Though, at 5% level of significance stock
market capitalization, real interest rate was statistically
insignificant. Furthermore, the coefficient of liquid
liability to GDP ratio was -1.004 in the long run and -
0.2004 in the short run. Coefficient of credit to private
sector was 1.1513 in the long run and 0.2296 in the short
run. This indicated that credit to private sector
contributed positively to growth in both the short run
and the long run, while liquid liability has a negative
effect on growth in both periods. Further, 19.95% of
resulting disequilibrium in the economy is captured
each period. On the basis of this empirical evidence, this
study recommends that Nigeria’s government should
focus on improving and strengthening the financial
system. As such, this will enhance effective channeling
of financial resources for productive investment
projects. Furthermore, financial strategies should be
geared towards encouraging a more competitive
environment which will upsurges effective financial
service delivery in Nigeria economy.
Keywords :
Financial Sector Development, Nigeria’s Economic Growth, Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) Model.