The Influence of Entrepreneurial Orientation, Marketing Capability and Social Capital on Innovation Capability in Rabadompu Bima Weaving Fabrics Entrepreneurs

Authors : Isti Dari Sofianti; Dwi Putra Buana Sakti; Lalu M. Furkan

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 6 - June

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Abstract : This research aims to examine how the ability to innovate in the weaving industry in Rabadompu Bima through entrepreneurial orientation, marketing capability and social capital. By using the survey sample method to see the responses of 65 respondents of woven product craftsmen to the statements submitted by researchers. The technique used in this research is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with smart PLS software. If the values of entrepreneurship orientation, marketing capability and social capital are high , innovation capability will be high. This study also explains that increased ability to innovate is influenced by entrepreneurial orientation and marketing capability. While Social capital in the woven product business cannot affect innovation capability.

Keywords : Entrepreneurship orientation, marketing capability, social capital, innovation capability.

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This research aims to examine how the ability to innovate in the weaving industry in Rabadompu Bima through entrepreneurial orientation, marketing capability and social capital. By using the survey sample method to see the responses of 65 respondents of woven product craftsmen to the statements submitted by researchers. The technique used in this research is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with smart PLS software. If the values of entrepreneurship orientation, marketing capability and social capital are high , innovation capability will be high. This study also explains that increased ability to innovate is influenced by entrepreneurial orientation and marketing capability. While Social capital in the woven product business cannot affect innovation capability.

Keywords : Entrepreneurship orientation, marketing capability, social capital, innovation capability.

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