Authors :
J.A.L.N.Jayathunga; A.W.S.Chandana
Volume/Issue :
Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 1 - January
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Abstract :
The focus of this study was to develop a
force measurement device capable of tracking forces,
moments, and the center of pressure throughout a
sprint start. Both of the beginning blocks' force plates
are independently adjustable, and they have a pair of
force sensors (Loadcell Type- SQB/SQB-A/-SS/-ASS).
Currently, commercially available expensive block start
force plate use to measure the force production of the
block clearance. The two-cantilever type loadcells used
to produce this equipment can measure a maximum of
2500N depending on the use of the equipment. Start
Blocks incorporate a charging amplifier. The system's
sensor component is paired with a signal processing
subsystem. To process the signal using the Cool term
software and using the Mega 2560 is a microcontroller
board with two HX711 Amplifier Module connect to
the pressure sensors. Get data output using (Python
with C or C++) of Graphical Programming Language
(Cool Term Calibration Process and Visualize Data
from Sensors Using Arduino + Cool term)
Programming. The method utilizes an HC-SR94
ultrasonic sensor and an Arduino Uno chip. Finally, all
the cool term columns data can get from the Excel sheet
as a Graphical Data. In this study starting bock
clearance force production is not statistically significant
(P > 0.05). It indicates that the force production
performs at a somewhat lower level than the female
side in terms of performance. Therefore, possible to
identify the athlete force production effect to the Block
clearance peak performance. This Force Plate is easy
for coaches and athletes to identify force production
effectiveness for athlete's block starts performances.
Keywords :
Force Production, Block clarence, Centre of Pressure, Foot Pendle
The focus of this study was to develop a
force measurement device capable of tracking forces,
moments, and the center of pressure throughout a
sprint start. Both of the beginning blocks' force plates
are independently adjustable, and they have a pair of
force sensors (Loadcell Type- SQB/SQB-A/-SS/-ASS).
Currently, commercially available expensive block start
force plate use to measure the force production of the
block clearance. The two-cantilever type loadcells used
to produce this equipment can measure a maximum of
2500N depending on the use of the equipment. Start
Blocks incorporate a charging amplifier. The system's
sensor component is paired with a signal processing
subsystem. To process the signal using the Cool term
software and using the Mega 2560 is a microcontroller
board with two HX711 Amplifier Module connect to
the pressure sensors. Get data output using (Python
with C or C++) of Graphical Programming Language
(Cool Term Calibration Process and Visualize Data
from Sensors Using Arduino + Cool term)
Programming. The method utilizes an HC-SR94
ultrasonic sensor and an Arduino Uno chip. Finally, all
the cool term columns data can get from the Excel sheet
as a Graphical Data. In this study starting bock
clearance force production is not statistically significant
(P > 0.05). It indicates that the force production
performs at a somewhat lower level than the female
side in terms of performance. Therefore, possible to
identify the athlete force production effect to the Block
clearance peak performance. This Force Plate is easy
for coaches and athletes to identify force production
effectiveness for athlete's block starts performances.
Keywords :
Force Production, Block clarence, Centre of Pressure, Foot Pendle