Authors :
Mirna Ristanti, Madlazim, Erman
Volume/Issue :
Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 11 - November
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Abstract :
This study aims to create an inquiry physics
lesson plan (valid, practical, and effective) which is used
to train the metacognitive skills of the students of
Muhammadiyah 2 Senior High School in Sidoarjo. The
improvement of lesson plan used the ADDIE model and
tested in the XI MIPA class of SMA Muhammadiyah 2
Sidoarjo Muhammadiyah 2 Senior High School in
Sidoarjo on the first semester of the academic year
2017/2018 with One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The
Data collection used validation, observation, tests, and
questionnaires. The Data analysis techniques used
quantitative descriptive analysis. The results of this
study indicate: 1) The development of lesson plans
,which is improved, are valid; 2) The learning process
based on the improvement of lesson plan and implemted
to the students run well; and 3) The effectiveness of
lesson plan are:
(a) Improvement of student learning outcomes
aspects of knowledge seen from n-gain are in high
category (b) Student responses to lesson plan and the
implementation of learning are very positive (c) The
results of metacognitive skills of students who are
trained are very well. It was concluded that the inquiry
learning model which is improved here was feasible
(valid, practical, and effective) and was used to improve
the metacognitive skills of the students of
Muhammadiyah 2 Senior High School in Sidoarjo.
Keywords :
The Improvement of Lesson Plan, Inquiry Learning Model, Metacognitive Skills.
This study aims to create an inquiry physics
lesson plan (valid, practical, and effective) which is used
to train the metacognitive skills of the students of
Muhammadiyah 2 Senior High School in Sidoarjo. The
improvement of lesson plan used the ADDIE model and
tested in the XI MIPA class of SMA Muhammadiyah 2
Sidoarjo Muhammadiyah 2 Senior High School in
Sidoarjo on the first semester of the academic year
2017/2018 with One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The
Data collection used validation, observation, tests, and
questionnaires. The Data analysis techniques used
quantitative descriptive analysis. The results of this
study indicate: 1) The development of lesson plans
,which is improved, are valid; 2) The learning process
based on the improvement of lesson plan and implemted
to the students run well; and 3) The effectiveness of
lesson plan are:
(a) Improvement of student learning outcomes
aspects of knowledge seen from n-gain are in high
category (b) Student responses to lesson plan and the
implementation of learning are very positive (c) The
results of metacognitive skills of students who are
trained are very well. It was concluded that the inquiry
learning model which is improved here was feasible
(valid, practical, and effective) and was used to improve
the metacognitive skills of the students of
Muhammadiyah 2 Senior High School in Sidoarjo.
Keywords :
The Improvement of Lesson Plan, Inquiry Learning Model, Metacognitive Skills.