The Impact of Religious Obligation, Sharia Financial Literacy, and Promotion on Decision to Use the BSI Hasanah Card in Millenials Through Customer Awareness as a Mediation Variable

Authors : Abyan Naufal Asyhar; Dudi Permana

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 2 - February

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Abstract : The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of Religious Obligation, Sharia Financial Literacy, and Promotion on the Decision to Use the BSI Hasanah Card in millennials, using Customer Awareness as a Mediation Variable. The population of this study consists of 184,400 millennial consumers who use the BSI Hasanah Card financial product. 384 people were interviewed. As a data source, primary data is used, and questionnaires are used as a survey method. The SEM-PLS analysis technique is used in this study. The study's findings show that: (1) Religious Obligation has a positive and significant effect on Customer Awareness. (2) Sharia Financial Literacy has been demonstrated to have a positive and significant impact on Customer Awareness. (3) Promotion has been shown to have a significant and positive impact on customer awareness. (4) Customer awareness has a significant and positive influence on the decision to use. (5) Religious Obligation has been shown to have a positive and significant influence on Customer Awarenessmediated Decision to Use. (6) Sharia Financial Literacy has a positive and significant impact on the decision to use, which is mediated by Customer Awareness. (7) Promotion has been shown to have a positive and significant impact on user decisions that are mediated by Customer Awareness.

Keywords : Religious Obligation, Sharia Financial Literacy, Promotion, Decision to Use.

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of Religious Obligation, Sharia Financial Literacy, and Promotion on the Decision to Use the BSI Hasanah Card in millennials, using Customer Awareness as a Mediation Variable. The population of this study consists of 184,400 millennial consumers who use the BSI Hasanah Card financial product. 384 people were interviewed. As a data source, primary data is used, and questionnaires are used as a survey method. The SEM-PLS analysis technique is used in this study. The study's findings show that: (1) Religious Obligation has a positive and significant effect on Customer Awareness. (2) Sharia Financial Literacy has been demonstrated to have a positive and significant impact on Customer Awareness. (3) Promotion has been shown to have a significant and positive impact on customer awareness. (4) Customer awareness has a significant and positive influence on the decision to use. (5) Religious Obligation has been shown to have a positive and significant influence on Customer Awarenessmediated Decision to Use. (6) Sharia Financial Literacy has a positive and significant impact on the decision to use, which is mediated by Customer Awareness. (7) Promotion has been shown to have a positive and significant impact on user decisions that are mediated by Customer Awareness.

Keywords : Religious Obligation, Sharia Financial Literacy, Promotion, Decision to Use.

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