Authors :
Lisa Hermawati; Ema Pusvita; Siti Khairani
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
Financial access was a key factor in supporting
the development of small and medium-sized enterprises
(SMEs). This study aimed to analyze the effect of financial
variables, such as the amount of loans received, financing
frequency, speed of fund disbursement, and ease of access
to development institutions, on SME development
measured by income growth. Data were collected from 40
SME respondents through surveys using the snowball
sampling technique. Multiple regression analysis showed
that the amount of loans received and financing frequency
had a positive and significant effect on SME development,
with beta values of 0.582 and 0.407, respectively. However,
the speed of fund disbursement and ease of access to
development institutions did not have a significant effect.
The model achieved an R Square value of 86%, indicating
that 86% of the variation in SME development was
explained by the independent variables analyzed. The
findings implied that sustainable financial management
and the provision of adequate loans were priorities in
supporting SME growth.
Keywords :
Financial Access, Smes, Loan Amount, Financing Frequency, Business Development.
References :
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Financial access was a key factor in supporting
the development of small and medium-sized enterprises
(SMEs). This study aimed to analyze the effect of financial
variables, such as the amount of loans received, financing
frequency, speed of fund disbursement, and ease of access
to development institutions, on SME development
measured by income growth. Data were collected from 40
SME respondents through surveys using the snowball
sampling technique. Multiple regression analysis showed
that the amount of loans received and financing frequency
had a positive and significant effect on SME development,
with beta values of 0.582 and 0.407, respectively. However,
the speed of fund disbursement and ease of access to
development institutions did not have a significant effect.
The model achieved an R Square value of 86%, indicating
that 86% of the variation in SME development was
explained by the independent variables analyzed. The
findings implied that sustainable financial management
and the provision of adequate loans were priorities in
supporting SME growth.
Keywords :
Financial Access, Smes, Loan Amount, Financing Frequency, Business Development.