The Government's Role in DMO-based Urban Tourism in Kayutangan area of Malang city

Authors : M. Farid Ulinnuha; I Putu Anom; Nyoman Ariana

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 7 - July

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Abstract : This research was conducted to determine the role of local governments to develop of urban tourism in Kayutangan area, Malang city East Java. The method used in this study is a quantitative method using Binomial analysis. This study uses six Destination Management Organization role variables, which were given to the stakeholder of the Kayutangan Area consisting of thirty respondents. The results in this study indicate that Coordination and leadership, marketing and promotion, partnerships, and public relations are the roles of the Destination Management Organization that are considered to have been carried out well by the government. However, the role of the government can still be improved, especially in planning and research indicators and in the role of product development which can be improved through further evaluation and concrete actions to increase the role of the government in planning and research and structured support in the development of tourist product packages still needs to be strengthened.

Keywords : Urban Tourism, Destination Management Organization, Kayutangan.

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This research was conducted to determine the role of local governments to develop of urban tourism in Kayutangan area, Malang city East Java. The method used in this study is a quantitative method using Binomial analysis. This study uses six Destination Management Organization role variables, which were given to the stakeholder of the Kayutangan Area consisting of thirty respondents. The results in this study indicate that Coordination and leadership, marketing and promotion, partnerships, and public relations are the roles of the Destination Management Organization that are considered to have been carried out well by the government. However, the role of the government can still be improved, especially in planning and research indicators and in the role of product development which can be improved through further evaluation and concrete actions to increase the role of the government in planning and research and structured support in the development of tourist product packages still needs to be strengthened.

Keywords : Urban Tourism, Destination Management Organization, Kayutangan.

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