Authors :
Ridha Rizkiyah, Andi Kusumawati, Amiruddin
Volume/Issue :
Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 1 - January
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Abstract :
This study aims to determine the effect of
factors of tax awareness, tax knowledge and
understanding, tax socialization, tax penalties, and tax rate
on tax compliance by using taxpayer environment as the
moderating variable. The population in this study are
155.689 taxpayers at KPP Pratama Makassar Selatan. The
sampling method used is slovin formula, in order to obtain
a sample of 100 respondents. Data collection used a
questionnaire instrument. Data were analyzed using
moderated regression analysis (MRA). The results shows
that (1) tax awareness has an effect on taxpayer
compliance; (2) tax knowledge and understanding has an
effect on taxpayer compliance; (3) tax socialization has an
effect on taxpayer compliance; (4) tax penalties has no
effect on taxpayer compliance; (5) tax rate has an effect on
taxpayer compliance; (6) taxpayer environment weakens
the relationship of tax awareness on taxpayer compliance;
(7) taxpayer environment does not moderate the
relationship of tax knowledge and understanding on
taxpayer compliance; (8) taxpayer environment weakens
the relationship of tax socialization on taxpayer
compliance; (9) taxpayer environment does not moderate
the relationship of tax penalties on taxpayer compliance;
(10) taxpayer environment strengthens the relationship of
tax rate on taxpayer compliance.
Keywords :
Tax Knowledge And Understanding, Tax Penalties, Tax Rate, Taxpayer Environment, Tax Compliance.
This study aims to determine the effect of
factors of tax awareness, tax knowledge and
understanding, tax socialization, tax penalties, and tax rate
on tax compliance by using taxpayer environment as the
moderating variable. The population in this study are
155.689 taxpayers at KPP Pratama Makassar Selatan. The
sampling method used is slovin formula, in order to obtain
a sample of 100 respondents. Data collection used a
questionnaire instrument. Data were analyzed using
moderated regression analysis (MRA). The results shows
that (1) tax awareness has an effect on taxpayer
compliance; (2) tax knowledge and understanding has an
effect on taxpayer compliance; (3) tax socialization has an
effect on taxpayer compliance; (4) tax penalties has no
effect on taxpayer compliance; (5) tax rate has an effect on
taxpayer compliance; (6) taxpayer environment weakens
the relationship of tax awareness on taxpayer compliance;
(7) taxpayer environment does not moderate the
relationship of tax knowledge and understanding on
taxpayer compliance; (8) taxpayer environment weakens
the relationship of tax socialization on taxpayer
compliance; (9) taxpayer environment does not moderate
the relationship of tax penalties on taxpayer compliance;
(10) taxpayer environment strengthens the relationship of
tax rate on taxpayer compliance.
Keywords :
Tax Knowledge And Understanding, Tax Penalties, Tax Rate, Taxpayer Environment, Tax Compliance.