The Efficacy of Technology and Non-Technology Based Intervention for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Meta-Analysis

Authors : Sagayaraj K, Dr. C. N .Ram Gopal, S Karthikeyan

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 3 - March

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Abstract : This article aims to represent the effects of technology and non-technology based intervention methods that had been carried out on children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The contribution of new innovative technologies that enable the coping strategies of children with ASD and its long term effects, application of those technologies on their daily activities was covered in this study. The importance of non-technological based intervention outcomes were also reviewed in this meta-analysis to plan a better training module for children with developmental disorders especially in the case of ASD. The keywords such as autism, intervention, technology, disability were used in the journal indexing sites like Scopus, PubMed, Medline, Web of Science, Google Scholar and the resulting articles were considered for the study. The outcome of this meta-analysis is emphasizing the technology and non-technology based intervention methods for children with autism spectrum disorder.

Keywords : Autism, Disability, Intervention, Meta-analysis, Technology, Multiple disabilities, Non-Technology.

This article aims to represent the effects of technology and non-technology based intervention methods that had been carried out on children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The contribution of new innovative technologies that enable the coping strategies of children with ASD and its long term effects, application of those technologies on their daily activities was covered in this study. The importance of non-technological based intervention outcomes were also reviewed in this meta-analysis to plan a better training module for children with developmental disorders especially in the case of ASD. The keywords such as autism, intervention, technology, disability were used in the journal indexing sites like Scopus, PubMed, Medline, Web of Science, Google Scholar and the resulting articles were considered for the study. The outcome of this meta-analysis is emphasizing the technology and non-technology based intervention methods for children with autism spectrum disorder.

Keywords : Autism, Disability, Intervention, Meta-analysis, Technology, Multiple disabilities, Non-Technology.

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