Authors :
Nicolas Bragas Agung Santoso, Setyo Riyanto
Volume/Issue :
Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 1 - January
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Abstract :
This study aims to test the effect of work
motivation, organizational commitment, and job
satisfaction on the contract employee performance of
PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia, particularly the Branch
Office of Jakarta Daan Mogot. It involved 72 contract
employees. The data were analyzed using Statistical
Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 22.The
result of the analysis shows that work motivation
significantly affects the performance of employees;
organizational commitment significantly affects the
performance of employees, and job satisfaction
significantly affects the performance of employees.
These results show that work motivation, organizational
commitment, and job satisfaction simultaneously and
positively affect the performance of employees.
Keywords :
Work Motivation, Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction, Contract Employees.
This study aims to test the effect of work
motivation, organizational commitment, and job
satisfaction on the contract employee performance of
PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia, particularly the Branch
Office of Jakarta Daan Mogot. It involved 72 contract
employees. The data were analyzed using Statistical
Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 22.The
result of the analysis shows that work motivation
significantly affects the performance of employees;
organizational commitment significantly affects the
performance of employees, and job satisfaction
significantly affects the performance of employees.
These results show that work motivation, organizational
commitment, and job satisfaction simultaneously and
positively affect the performance of employees.
Keywords :
Work Motivation, Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction, Contract Employees.