The Effect of Work Discipline, Work Environment and Adversity Quotient on Performance of Personnel of Satsamapta Unit Polres Serang City

Authors : Muhamad Dwi Fajar Ramdhani; TjiptogoroDinarjoSoehari

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 8 - August

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Abstract : This research analyzes the impact of discipline work, environmental work, and adversity quotient on personnel performance in police force unit Sasamapta in Serang City. The study was quantitative research with a sample of 59 respondents who are personnels of Unit SatsamaptaSerang City Police. Method data collection used in a study was a questionnaire with data analysis using SPSS 25 software. The findings were that (1) Discipline work and (2) Environment work did not affect the performance of the police of Satsamapta Serang City. (3) There is a positive and significant effect on adversity quotient toward personnel performance. (4) There are influence positive and significant discipline work, environment discipline work and adversity quotient, simulant has an effect toward personnel performance. The highest impact on personnel performance was the adversity quotient. Management above must notice the adversity quotient of every person who appreciates the member to boost their innovation. Then give Support to personnel who want change and learn from error because the adversity quotient is vital for increasing the performance of Satsamapta police force in Serang City.

Keywords : DisciplineWork, Environment Work, Adversity Quotient, Personnel Performance.

This research analyzes the impact of discipline work, environmental work, and adversity quotient on personnel performance in police force unit Sasamapta in Serang City. The study was quantitative research with a sample of 59 respondents who are personnels of Unit SatsamaptaSerang City Police. Method data collection used in a study was a questionnaire with data analysis using SPSS 25 software. The findings were that (1) Discipline work and (2) Environment work did not affect the performance of the police of Satsamapta Serang City. (3) There is a positive and significant effect on adversity quotient toward personnel performance. (4) There are influence positive and significant discipline work, environment discipline work and adversity quotient, simulant has an effect toward personnel performance. The highest impact on personnel performance was the adversity quotient. Management above must notice the adversity quotient of every person who appreciates the member to boost their innovation. Then give Support to personnel who want change and learn from error because the adversity quotient is vital for increasing the performance of Satsamapta police force in Serang City.

Keywords : DisciplineWork, Environment Work, Adversity Quotient, Personnel Performance.

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