The Effect of User Experience on Customer Satisfaction on Netflix Streaming Services in Indonesia

Authors : Mario Alberto Jose Martins ; Setyo Riyanto

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 7 - July

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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20JUL545

Abstract : Technology has become increasingly sophisticated, all forms offered in the development of very cutting-edge technology. Current technology is supported by a strong internet network base that presents various kinds of creativity. One that gets attention is the widespread use of online streaming media as a basis in an online streaming media streaming plan that is Netflix. This research will discuss where the user experience of Netflix Online Streaming Media Customer Satisfaction. The results of this study were drawn from 150 respondents who are always actively using Netflix online streaming media. This research only focused on the Jakarta area, Indonesia, which is the largest city in Indonesia

Keywords : Streaming Services, Netflix, User Experience, User Satisfaction.

Technology has become increasingly sophisticated, all forms offered in the development of very cutting-edge technology. Current technology is supported by a strong internet network base that presents various kinds of creativity. One that gets attention is the widespread use of online streaming media as a basis in an online streaming media streaming plan that is Netflix. This research will discuss where the user experience of Netflix Online Streaming Media Customer Satisfaction. The results of this study were drawn from 150 respondents who are always actively using Netflix online streaming media. This research only focused on the Jakarta area, Indonesia, which is the largest city in Indonesia

Keywords : Streaming Services, Netflix, User Experience, User Satisfaction.

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